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Cooperation and Competition of Oil and Gas Resources between China and Its Neighboring Countries and Its Impacts on Geopolitics


文摘 中国周边国家蕴藏有丰富的自然资源,与周边国家在能源领域的合作,是中国地缘政治战略的重要组成部分.本文主要分析了中国与周边的东亚、东南亚、中亚和俄罗斯等国家和地区在油气领城的合作和竞争,并分析了其地缘政治影响,主要结论包括:①东亚主要是中日之间的能源竞争,竞争态势近期有进一步加剧之势,中远期如果不考虑钓鱼岛领土争端的因素,两国在海外的油气争夺会趋于缓和;②东南亚的油气合作取决于南海领土争端能否得到有效控制,只要争端不成为地缘政治操作的工具,南海的油气合作才有可能;此外,中国需要在南海首先开发起来,然后才能谈得上"搁置争议、共同开发",否则只能是"搁置争议、别人开发";③中亚应成为中国周边油气合作的重点,中亚地缘上与中国接壤,进一步向西可延伸到中东、里海,中亚是中国平衡俄罗斯能源影响的重要因素,只有与中亚的合作进展顺利,才有效牵制俄罗斯能源地缘政治工具的作用发挥;④俄罗斯不是一个十分可靠的能源合作伙伴,只能是中国能源的重要补充,不能作为主要依靠.
其他语种文摘 China's neighboring countries have very rich natural resources. Cooperation of exploration of oil and gas resources is a very important component of China's geopolitical strategies. In this paper, the authors analyzed the cooperation and competition situations for oil and gas exploration and the cooperation potential between China and East Asia, Southeast Asia, Central Asia and Russia. It was concluded that: 1) The oil and gas competition between China and Japan dominates the energy geopolitical pattern in East China. Obviously, the competition will be more intense in the short term since both China and Japan are crucial economies and petroleum importers, sharing similar transportation routes. However, there exists a wide area of cooperation between them, indicating that their competition will, to some degree, be alleviated in the medium and long term if the Diaoyu Island territorial dispute can be handled successfully; 2) In Southeast Asia, the key factor influencing energy competition is the territory dispute over the inlands. The cooperation over South China Sea depends on whether the dispute becomes a tool of geopolitics and is deliberately exaggerated. China should immediately take action to explore the oil and gas resources so as to substantially realize the goal of "Shelving sovereign disputes, seeking joint development". Otherwise, China would be left behind in the exploration and loss control of these areas, implying that the strategy of "Shelving sovereign disputes, seeking joint development" would become "Shelving sovereign disputes, explored by others". Furthermore, aiming to resolve the Malacca dilemma, the China-ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) energy channel, which is an essential part of China energy geopolitical strategy, is crucial to construct it to ensure China' s oil security; 3) Central Asia countries are China' s main cooperation targets. China can access Middle East and Caspian Sea though the "continental bridge" of Central Asia. The cooperation between China and Central Asia is a significant factor for China to balance the influence from Russia, and to restrain the function of Russia's energy geopolitical tool. However, there are plenty of challenges China should be faced with to promote energy collaboration with Central Asia, such as the US and Russia' s involvement and competition, the stability of Central Asia countries' governments and so on; 4) The status of Russia energy in global energy system is emphasized in this study. The current international financial crisis has brought significant negative effects to Russia' s oil and gas industries, which provides a series of opportunities for China to cooperate with Russia. Since Russia takes its energy as a geopolitical weapon frequently, it is taken as an energy partner that cannot be totally trusted, which implies that China should only take it as a complementary importer.
来源 资源科学 ,2009,31(10):1633-1639 【核心库】
关键词 中国 ; 周边国家 ; 石油 ; 天然气 ; 地缘政治 ; 影响

中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所, 北京, 100101

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 1007-7588
学科 环境保护管理
基金 国家自然科学基金 ;  中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所知识创新工程领域前沿项目
文献收藏号 CSCD:3708362

参考文献 共 6 共1页

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