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Analysis on the current status of international water resources and research focuses


文摘 以水资源为研究对象,利用情报研究方法,将资料调研与数据分析相结合,从定性和定量2个角度对国际水资源的概况、分布、利用等方面的现状进行分析,并揭示水资源领域的热点问题.其中,定性分析数据主要来源于联合国环境计划、全球环境监测系统水计划、水环境联盟等国际重要组织或相关机构的研究年报、专题研究报告等.定量分析的数据来源于Web of Sci-ence、ISI Proceeding和DII数据库,采用Thomson Data Analyzer、战略情报分析平台和Aureka专利分析平台,从文献和专利2个角度揭示水资源领域的研究热点.分析表明,全球可用的水资源量有限且分布不均,绝大部分水资源用于农业.水资源综合管理、水质、气候变化、地理信息系统和灌溉是全世界关注程度最高的5个研究方向;在水处理技术领域,水处理膜技术为当前的研究热点之一.
其他语种文摘 Using the methodology of intelligence analysis,combined with information investigation and data analysis,we studied the general situation,distribution and utilization of international water resources from both qualitative and quantitative point of view and tried to disclose the research hot-spot in this field. Among them,data used in qualitative analyses come from the annual reports and monographs of related international organizations and programs such as UN Environmental Program,Program on Water Resources of Global Environment Monitoring System and Water Environment Union.Data used for quantitative analyses come from the databases such as Web of Science,ISI Proceeding and DII.Thomson Data Analyzer,strategic intelligence analyzing platform and Aureka patented analyzing platform are utilized to reveal the current research focus in water resources studies from both literatures and patents.It has been shown that the overall amount of usable global water resource is limited and it's unevenly distributed.Agriculture accounts for a majority proportion of the total water resources consumption.Integrated water resources management,water quality,climate change,geographic information system and irrigation are five topics which received most concerns.Membrane water processing is one of the research focuses in the field of water processing technology.
来源 地质通报 ,2009,28(2/3):177-183 【核心库】
关键词 国际水资源现状 ; 研究热点:定量分析

中国科学院,文献情报中心, 北京, 100190

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 1671-2552
学科 地质学
基金 中国科学院规划战略局项目
文献收藏号 CSCD:3627606

参考文献 共 5 共1页

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4.  Thomson Reuters. Aureka专利检索与分析平台. http://aurekatrial.micropat.com,2008 被引 1    
5.  联合国经济及社会理事会2008-2009年执行周期(审查会议)的专题组. <审查可持续发展委员会第十三届会议关于饮水与环卫的决定的执行进度>秘书长报告,2008 被引 1    
引证文献 1

1 千晶晶 温室作物调亏灌溉研究进展 中国农学通报,2012,28(12):18-23
被引 1


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iAuthor 链接
张薇 0000-0001-6418-2905
赵亚娟 0000-0003-3501-8131
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