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文摘 采用二阶精度NND差分格式和改进的二阶段化学反应模型模拟了爆轰波与激波的对撞过程,研究了不同强度入射激波对爆轰过渡区域的影响.当对撞激波较弱时,透射爆轰波演变主要受流动膨胀作用的影响,可划分为对撞影响区、爆轰恢复区和稳定发展区3个阶段.在爆轰恢复区和稳定发展区,前导激波压力经历一个过冲、然后向稳定爆轰过渡的过程,表现了爆轰波熄爆和再起爆的物理特征.当对撞激波较强时,可燃混合气体的高热力学参数导致了更高的化学反应活化程度,形成了弱爆轰向稳定爆轰的直接转变.
其他语种文摘 Collisions between detonations and shock waves of different strength have been numerically simulated by using NND scheme implemented with the improved two-step chemical reaction model. The collision effects on the detonation transition zone were investigated. In the case of detonation interacting with weaker shock waves, the detonation transition is dominated by flow expansion which lowers the post-shock thermo-states and reduces the chemical reaction rate. The detonation transition can be divided into three stages, named as the collision effect zone, the detonation growth zone and the steady detonation development zone respectively, which indicates some characteristics of detonation-decoupling and reigniting. When detonation interacts with a stronger shock waves, the thermal properties of the explosive mixture are so high that the induced chemical reactions become more active and the flow expansion is compensated. The transition appears to be a direct transformation from a weak detonation to a quasi-steady CJ detonation.
来源 力学学报 ,2008,40(2):154-161 【核心库】
关键词 激波对撞 ; 过渡区域 ; 爆轰波 ; 激波 ; 数值模拟

中国科学院力学研究所, 高温气体动力学重点实验室, 北京, 100080

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 0459-1879
学科 力学
基金 国家自然科学基金
文献收藏号 CSCD:3222339

参考文献 共 6 共1页

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引证文献 3

1 朱雨建 爆轰波与激波对撞的实验研究 力学学报,2008,40(6):721-728
被引 2

2 戴旭刚 爆轰波与激波对撞爆轰状态演化机理研究 力学学报,2012,44(6):953-961
被引 1


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