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Current Situation, Trend and Strategies of International Pricing of China's Oil Import


文摘 目前,中国是世界上石油、铜、大豆等许多大宗原材料的大买家,也是世界大宗原材料贸易需求的强大拉动者。据统计从2003年五月份起,中国石油消费量己经超过日本,成为仅次于芙国的世界第二大石油消费固;据巴黎国际能源机构预测,中国的能源需求总量还将继续增加。但这种地位,丝毫没有为中国赢得石油大宗进口的国际定价话语权,中国的石油进口量占世界石油供应总量的2%,但在影响石油定价的权重上却不到0.1%。这一现象正威胁看中国的经济和金融安全,成为中国经济进一步发展的瓶颈。为此,中国应以争取应有的石油进口国际定价权为根本出发点,借鉴发达国家的经验,着重从发展自己的石油期货市场,和组建价格联盟入手,实施中国获取石油定价权以厦进一步建立自己的国际定价中心的策略安排。
其他语种文摘 At present, China has become one of the biggest buyers of the resources (such as oil, and metal). Since May of 2003, China has caught up with Japan and becomes the second bean, biggest consumer of petroleum. As the IEA (International Energy Agency) forecast, the amount of China's petroleum demand would be increasing. However, as the second largest petroleum consumption and import country in the world, China does not have any weight in the current international petroleum pricing mechanism at all. China's import volume makes up 2 % of the world oil supply. However, China just have no more than 0.1% of the pricing power. In this paper, we reviewed the history of the international oil pricing system. Based on China's oil consumption and production, we got the trend of China's oil import (from 1 703.5 ×10~4t in 1996 to 8 298.5 ×10~4t in 2003, 14 372.4 ×10~4t in 2004 and 13 618.5 ×10~4t in2005) and the dependent rates (from 9.77% in 1996 to 32.89% in 2003, 45.09% in 2004 and 42.87 % in 2005 ). The influences of having no oil pricing power on China's economy were analyzed, including increasing a lot of losses and risks of the relevant industries which produce or consume oil and other oil products, making a negative effect on China's balance of payment and so on. All of the situations and the negative influences are threatening China's economy and finance security, and also become a barrier to China's economic development. Therefore, some strategies should be adopted on the basis of holding the pricing power of petroleum. One of the strategies is to develop China's oil futures market, which is important to China's institutional investors in the national market. Besides taking part in the futures market, the enterprises need to adopt some measures to prevent the risks of oil price fluctuation such as making a long-term cooperation with other countries and enterprises especially the developed countries, learning advanced skills and experiences, and organizing price unions with relevant enterprises to gain the international pricing power.
来源 资源科学 ,2007,29(1):184-189 【核心库】
关键词 石油价格 ; 定价机制 ; 国际定价权 ; 石油期货

青岛大学, 青岛, 266071

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 1007-7588
学科 社会科学总论
基金 国家软科学研究计划项目 ;  上海市社会科学基金
文献收藏号 CSCD:2739694

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