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Monitoring and development trend forecasting of Maoping landslide in Qingjiang Reservoir area


文摘 茅坪滑坡位于清江隔河岩水库上游北岸、距水库坝址66km处。是隔河岩水库库区中最大的基岩古滑坡体,其体积约2.35×10^7m^3。自1993年4月10日水库下闸蓄水以来,该滑坡一直产生缓慢变形。滑坡发生整体失稳,则会截断清江,形成“库中坝”,并造成灾难性的恶果。为此,全面掌握该滑坡的变化发展趋势对今后进行防治决策具有十分重要的意义。掌握滑坡发展变化的关键就是对该滑坡进行现场监测。课题组多次现场踏勘,在原有8个地表监测点的基础上增设了29个监测点,使其布置更科学、合理;并对该滑坡进行了1个水文年的监测工作,获得了大量的笫一手资料,认为该滑坡正处于位移加速阶段。通过现场监测,不仅对滑坡体的现状有了新的认识。同时,预测了茅坪滑坡的变化发展趋势,可以为制定该滑坡的防治预案提供参考。
其他语种文摘 Maoping landslide, locating in north bank of the upper reach of Geheyan Reservoir of Qingjiang River and 66 km away from the reservoir dam, is the largest ancient rock landslide in the reservoir area. The volume of the landslide is about 2.35×10^7m^3 .Since the filling of the reservoir on April 10,1993, the landslide showed uastable signs of slowly downslope displacement.If the landslide rush into the river, Qingjiang River would be blocked, inducing a tragic event. Therefore, completely understanding the development trend of the landslide is very important for decision maker to control the landslide. The efficent means analyse of development trend of the landslide is monitoring. So the workgroup have reconnaissance trips for several times. In this pper, movement trend of the landslide is analysed based on one-year monitoring. The result shows that the landslide movement has a trend of acceleration.
来源 中国地质灾害与防治学报 ,2006,17(1):9-13 【扩展库】
关键词 清江茅坪滑坡 ; 库岸滑坡 ; 位移监测 ; 预测分析 ; 发展趋势

中国科学院力学研究所, 北京, 100080

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 1003-8035
学科 地质学
基金 国家973计划 ;  中国科学院知识创新工程项目
文献收藏号 CSCD:2328544

参考文献 共 1 共1页

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引证文献 3

1 石菊松 基于RS和GIS技术的清江隔河岩库区滑坡易发性评价与制图 地学前缘,2007,14(6):119-128
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2 王佳运 “8·12”山阳滑坡视向滑动特征与运动过程 灾害学,2018,33(1):111-116
被引 5


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