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Provincial Distribution of the Specialities in Cartography and Geographic Information System and their Research Directions in China


文摘 地图学与地理信息系统专业是地理学的二级学科,但其影响已远远超出了地理学的泛地学范围。全国所设学科点以北京、吉林、江苏和湖北最为集中,其大多数安置存地理学或地学等理学院系,目前仅海南、西藏、宁夏、青海4省区没有设学科点。2005年全国有114所院校招收地图学与地理信息系统专业本科生,其中有师范院校31所、综合院校27所、理工科院校25所、农科院校8所、地质矿业和石油院校6所、林业院校5所、交通院校3所、建筑院校3所、邮电院校2所、信息工程院校2所、水利水电院校1所、绎济学院1所;16所院校招收地图学与地理信息系统专业博士生。其中有综合大学6所、师范大学5所、海洋大学1所、中科院研究所4所;2004年全国有54所院校招收地图学与地理信息系统专业硕士生.其中有师范院校18所、综合院校16所、理工科院校3所、农科院校3所、地质和矿业院校3所、林业院校1所、信息工程院校1所、海洋院校1所、中国科学院8个研究所。硕士专业共有281个研究方向,其中26个方向是地图学方向;博士专业共有126个研究方向.只有1个方向的核心词是地图,1个方向含有经济一词、1个方向含有旅游一词,绝大多数方向都集中在理工科领域。
其他语种文摘 The university degree program for Cartography and Geographic Information System (GIS) is one of the three degree programs in geography, but the sphere of influence of GIS is not limited within geography or geosciences. In 2005 there are 114 universities offering bachelor's programs for Cartography and GIS (31 from teachers' universities, 27 from universities, 25 from universities of technology, 8 from agricultural universities, 6 from geological universities, 5 from forestry universities, 3 from universities of transportation studies, 3 from achitectural universities, 2 from universities of posts and communications, 1 from hydrologic university and 1 from economic university), and 16 universities and academies offering doctoral programs for Cartography and GIS (6 from universities, 5 from teachers' universities, 1 from university of ocean studies, 4 from the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS)). In 2004 there are 54 universities and academies offering master's programs for Cartography and GIS (18 from teachers' universities, 16 from universities, 3 from universities of technology, 3 from agricultural universities, 3 from geological universities, 1 from forestry university, 1 from university of information studies, 1 from university of ocean studies and 8 from CAS), spreading all over the country except Hainan, Xizang (Tibet), Ningxia and Qinghai, mostly concentrating in Beijing, Jilin, Jiangsu and Huhei in geographical and geo-scientific departments. There are 281 research directions in the master's programs (only 26 for cartography) and 126 research directions in the doctoral programs concentrating in science and technology (only 1 for cartography, 1 for economy and 1 for tourism).
来源 地球信息科学 ,2006,8(1):26-29 【扩展库】
关键词 地图学 ; 地理信息系统 ; 遥感 ; 数据库 ; 数据挖掘 ; 空间分析

中国人民大学环境学院, 北京, 100872

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 1560-8999
学科 测绘学
基金 中国人民大学学科建设专项(环境学院)
文献收藏号 CSCD:2307846

参考文献 共 2 共1页

1.  . 国家教育部网站全国普通高等院校招生信息. http:∥www.chinay2.com.cn 被引 1    
2.  . 国家教育部网站全国普通高等院校招生信息. htyt:∥gaokao.chsi.com.cn 被引 1    
引证文献 2

1 罗明良 GIS高等教育空间结构演变及研究取向分析 地理科学,2013,33(2):251-256
被引 2

2 江岭 我国GIS专业高等教育发展现状与分析 测绘通报,2016(7):136-141
被引 5


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