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Comprehensive Utilization of Discarded Tobacco Leaf Resources in China


文摘 中国低次烟叶资源的综合利用不仅关系到烟农的经济效益,同时也关系到资源短缺和环境污染问题的解决.当前中国低次烟叶资源非常丰富,种植面积133×104hm2左右,年产量大约为240×104t,均居世界首位;但正面临着综合利用水平低、途径少、资源浪费非常严重等一系列问题.本文综述了中国低次烟叶资源分布特点、变化趋势及综合利用现状,探讨了低次烟叶资源综合利用的途径:部分低次烟叶重新用于卷烟生产;低次烟叶中蛋白质用于生产普通蛋白食品、功能性食品、香精香料、医药学辅助材料和植物保护剂等;茄尼醇用于合成辅酶Q10、VK、抗癌增效剂SDB等;烟碱用于开发高效、低毒、低残留的无公害农药;氨基酸、有机酸和糖等成分可作为重要的化工原料或用于生产香精香料等;论述了低次烟叶资源综合利用的重大意义,旨在为我国低次烟叶资源的综合利用实践提供理论依据和方法借鉴.
其他语种文摘 The discarded tobacco leaf resources are generally referred to the generic terms of all kinds of tobacco leal resources that are not suited to produce cigarette directly. The discarded tobacco leaf resources are abundant in the world, especially in China, and it is crucial to utilize comprehensively these resources. However, no report has been seen on utilizing the discarded tobacco leaf resources. At present, the discarded tobacco leaves resources in China are abundant and the tobacco planting area if about 133 X 104hm2 and the yield of 240 X 104t are the highest in the world. Annual yield of the discarded tobacco leaf is about 60 X 104t in China and there are regional differences in the distribution of discarded tobacco lea! resources. Yunnan, Guizhou, Henan and Hunan provinces are the major areas where tobacco leal resources are produced. The comprehensive utilizations of discarded tobacco leaf resources are not only associated with benefits of peasants planting tobacco, but also with the solution to problems of lack of resources and environment pollution in our country. In addition, the discarded tobacco leaf resources are confronted with a series of potential problems, such as low utilization degree, few utilization methods, serious waste of resources and so on. In order to solve those problems, the distribution characteristic, variation tendency and comprehensive utilizations of discarded tobacco leaf resources are summarized in this paper so as to provide theory and techniques for comprehensive utilization of discarded tobacco leaves resources
来源 资源科学 ,2005,27(5):120-127 【核心库】
关键词 低次烟叶资源 ; 蛋白质 ; 茄尼醇 ; 烟碱 ; 综合利用

华南理工大学轻工与食品学院, 广东, 广州, 510640

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 1007-7588
学科 环境保护管理
基金 广东省烟草专卖局项目
文献收藏号 CSCD:2043904

参考文献 共 40 共2页

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