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Summarization of Begonia Resources from Yunnan Province


文摘 通过对云南秋海棠属植物资源的野外调查采集和引种栽培研究,归纳概述云南秋海棠属植物 的地理分布、形态特征、观赏性状及其栽培特性,为种质资源保存和有性杂交育种,以及进一步合理开发 利用资源提供依据。
其他语种文摘 Based on the studies of literatures, field investigation, introduction and cultivation on the genus Begonia Linn, in Yunnan, the geographical distribution, basic morphological characteristics, ornamen-tal values and their cultural characters were summarized in this paper. It was indicated that Yunnan is very rich in Begonia resources. There are 101 species (subspecies and varieties) of Begonia were recorded in Yun-nan. Among them, 72 species are endemic to Yunnan. Begonia is widely distributed in the whole province but its natural distribution center is located at SE Yunnan The lowest altitude of its distribution of the genus in Yunnan is only 90m and the highest altitude is 3400 m above sea level. Among the known species from Yun-nan, 50 species are rhizomatous Begonia, 28 species are erect stemmed Begonia and 23 species are tuberous Begonia. The distribution of rhizomatous Begonia is from 90 m to 3000 m. This type of Begonia requires rela-tively higher temperature and moisture in cultivation and many species are suitable for pot plant for foliage ornamental purpose. The erect stemmed Begonia is distributed from 100 m to 3200 m and requires high tem-perature and moisture in cultivation. They are suitable for pot and bed plants. The distribution of tuberous Be-gonia is from 720 m to 3400 m. Most species of tuberous type of Begonia don't require higher temperature and moisture in cultivation and they are suitable for pot plant and breeding purpose.
来源 园艺学报 ,2005,32(1):74-80 【核心库】
关键词 云南 ; 秋海棠属 ; 资源分布 ; 观赏性状

中国科学院昆明植物研究所, 云南, 昆明, 650204

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 0513-353X
学科 园艺
基金 云南省自然科学基金
文献收藏号 CSCD:1877610

参考文献 共 5 共1页

1.  谷粹芝. 中国植物志,1999:126-127 被引 2    
2.  税玉民. 云南秋海棠属植物小志. 云南植物研究,1999,21(1):11-23 被引 6    
3.  管开云. 云南秋海棠属三新种. 云南植物研究,2000,22(2):129-134 被引 4    
4.  李景秀. 秋海棠抗性育种初探. 云南植物研究,2001,23(4):509-514 被引 8    
5.  黄济明. 花卉育种知识,1987:47-48 被引 1    
引证文献 9

1 李景秀 云南秋海棠属植物叶片横切面比较解剖研究 广西植物,2007,27(4):543-550
被引 6

2 徐菲 秋海棠属植物种质资源研究进展 江苏农业科学,2010(4):7-11,12
被引 1


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