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Effect of Location of Title on Performance with Tables and Graphs


文摘 考察表、图标题位置、数据复杂度和问题难度对表、图使用绩效的影响.49名大学生随机分为表格组和图形组.结果表明:(1)从表中提取信息更快、更准确,但对图中信息的回忆正确率更高;(2)标题位于上方时提取信息更快更准,回忆正确率也更高;(3)数据复杂度主要影响反应正确率;(4)对简单问题的反应既快又准,但回忆正确率较低.
其他语种文摘 The effects of the location of the tides, the complexity of the presented data, and the difficulty of the questions on performance with tables and graphs were studied. Forty-nine subjects were randomly assigned to table group or line graph group. The results showed; (1)Tables led to faster responses and higher accuracy in information extraction task. But as to recalling task,line graph group achieved higher accuracy; (2)The title on the top led to faster responses and higher accuracy for both groups in information extraction task, and also led to higher accuracy of recalling for both groups; (3)Low complexity of data led to higher accuracy than high complexity of data in bodi tasks; (4)Easy questions were responded faster and better than difficult questions in information extraction tasks. Answere for easy questions were recalled faster but with lower accuracy.
来源 人类工效学 ,2004,10(1):1-3 【核心库】
关键词 ; ; 标题位置 ; 数据复杂度 ; 问题难度

中国科学院心理研究所, 北京, 100101

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 1006-8309
学科 一般工业技术
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目 ;  国家科技部项目 ;  中国科学院项目
文献收藏号 CSCD:1843680

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