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Calibration and Validation of Microwave Radiometer (RAD) on-aboard SZ-4 Spacecraft Part:Ⅰ RAD External Calibration


王振占 1   李芸 2  
文摘 文中针对神舟四号飞船辐射计(RAD)的在轨定标特点,提出一种替代外定标方案,即利用地球表面典型地物的微波辐射对RAD的不同通道重新进行定标.选取了全球大洋开阔海域的浮标、星载微波辐射计产品和小岛上气象探空数据,通过理论计算得出的亮温作为辐射计测量的低端.利用南美洲热带雨林亮温作为高端,重新给出了RAD定标方程.同时,为了确定定标的效果,分别与国外星载微波辐射计相同或相近通道的亮温进行了比较.另外还结合南海地面配合试验的测量结果对辐射计定标数据进行了分析.
其他语种文摘 The mulli-channel microwave radiometer (RAD) on-aboard SZ-4 spacecraft, was launched at the end of 2002, the first space-bome microwave radiometer in China. Due to lack of in-orbit calibration, the measurements have to be qualitatively evaluated before applications. In the paper, we put forward a vicarious external calibration method for solving the problem. The method is to re-calibrate all RAD channels using the two type of targets with known microwave radiation characteristics on the surface of the Earth. The first target was global open ocean. We collected synchro 252 sea surface truths with RAD from NDBC buoys combined with radiosonde profiles from nearby islands, as well as geophysical products of TMI (TRMM Microwave im-ager) .including sea surface temperature, wind speed , water vapor contents, and liquid water contents. After calcula-tion using our radiative transfer equation developed for RAD, we got a synchro oceanic parameter database for RAD brightness temperature calibration. The warm end we chose was Amazon Rain Forest. We obtained 8 profiles for two stations within 50 km from the RAD nearest oveipasses. The brightness temperatures were derived from applying a simpled emissivily model and atmo-spheric absorption model. We compared the re-calibrated brightness temperatures of RAD with those from SSM/I within 0.5 degree of latitude and longtitude and within 2 hour of RAD overpasses above global open ocean. We found there exited a good consistency between those equivalent channales of RAD and SSM/I, i.e. , 19.35GHz and 37.0 GHz. The con-elation coefficient of the channales are 74.4% and 60 .1 % repectively for vertical and horizontal polarization of 19 .35GHz. The poor correla-tion in 37 GHz channels may contribute to the path differences of them since the incidence angles of RAD is 42.6 degree, while SSM/I 53.3 degree. We also compared brightness temperatures of RAD with measurements from a ground based microwave radiometer employed in the Nanhai experiment carried in February, 2003. The largest discrepancies also showed in those of 37GHz. In general, due to the insuitable location of ground test and poor sync time, and only few provable measurements for com-parisons with the temperatures of RAD were made.
来源 遥感学报 ,2004,8(5):397-403 【核心库】
关键词 神舟四号飞船 ; 微波辐射计 ; 外定标

1. 中国科学院空间科学与应用研究中心, 北京, 100080  

2. 国家海洋技术中心, 天津, 300111

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 1007-4619
学科 自动化技术、计算机技术
基金 国家重点项目
文献收藏号 CSCD:1697548

参考文献 共 6 共1页

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引证文献 10

1 王振占 神舟四号飞船微波辐射计定标和检验(Ⅱ)--微波辐射计地物参数反演及其检验 遥感学报,2005,9(1):39-44
被引 1

2 张升伟 神舟4号飞船多频段微波辐射计及其应用 遥感技术与应用,2005,20(1):68-73
被引 6


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