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Exploiting of Chinese Medicine Resources and Building of Traditional Medicine Industrial Bases in Yunnan Province


文摘 该文从分析云南药用资源状况及开发现状入手,指出云南医药产业以发展与完善"云药"理论,开拓与整合"云药"体系,造就"云药"知名品牌,提高"云药"科技与市场竞争力,优化与推进"云药"基地建设为发展战略.在种植基地建设上,规划建立13个云药道地原生药材规范化种植基地;在产品上,云药现阶段重点发展领域是心脑血管疾病药、创伤类药、呼吸系统疾病药、肝脏疾病药、抗感染药、抗风湿病药、眼科疾病系列药、皮肤病类;云药研究体系建设以现有的研究机构为核心构建新药GLP、GCP研究基地;云药企业体系的构建包括原药材种植企业群、中间提取物企业群(集团)、独家生产产品企业、民族医药企业群、重复生产品种的企业群;并为配合云药产业基地的建设,实施一系列工程和措施.
其他语种文摘 Based on analyzing the resource of traditional Chinese medicine and its developed reality in Yunnan Province, in this article, it is pointed out that medicine industry of Yunnan should follow the strategy that aims to develop and perfect "Yunyao" theory, exploit and incorporate system of "Yunyao", create "Yunyao" famous brand, enhance the competitiveness of "Yunyao" in science and market, optimize and push building "Yunyao" bases. On building planting bases, thirteen trueborn good agriculture practice bases are pro-grammed, that is Notginsengbase in Wenshan, Rhizoma Gastrodiae base in Zhaotong, Discorea opposite Thunb base in Lijiang, Fructus Amomi base in Xishuangbanna, Poria base in Chuxiong, Herba Dendrobii base in Simao, Rhizoma Paridis base in Dali, Herba Rhodiolae base in Diqing, etc. On the products such as the series products of Notoginsing, Rhizoma Gastrodiae, and "Yunnan baiyao" etc, "Yunyao" attach impor-tance to develop medicine which can cure heart-brain vessel diseases, wound disease, breath system disease, liver diseases, anti-infect, anti-rheumatism, eye diseases and skin diseases. Building research bases of GLP.GCP which based on the research institution in existence, including Botany institute in Kunming of CAS, Yunnan university, Yunnan pharmic institute, pharmacology key lab. of nature medicine in Yunnan, herbalist hospital in Yunnan, herbalist hospital in Kunming etc. The system of "Yunyao" include medicine material planting enterprises, middle-extractions enterprises, sole produce enterprises, folk medicine enter-prises, repeat produce enteiprises, implementing a series of project and measure to conjugate the build of Yunnan traditional medicine industrial bases including knowledge innovating project, person training project of Yunnan traditional medicine, building national engineering research center and trueborn medicine material planting bases of Yunnan traditional medicine, backbone medicine enterprises in Yunnan, name brand prod-uct projects in Yunnan and information project of distribute network etc.
来源 资源科学 ,2004,26(3):44-49 【核心库】
关键词 药用资源 ; 云药 ; 产业基地 ; 云南

北京师范大学资源学院, 北京, 100875

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 1007-7588
学科 社会科学总论;植物学
基金 云南省发改委项目
文献收藏号 CSCD:1600493

参考文献 共 6 共1页

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被引 2


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