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Exploiting of Chinese Medicine Resources and Building of Chinese-Tibetan Medicine Industrial Bases in Qinghai Province


文摘 该文从分析青海药用资源状况及开发现状入手,指出了青海医药产业应以市场为导向,建设中藏药药材种植基地,提升传统中藏药生产水平,以企业为主体加快体制创新为发展战略.在药材种植上,从84种地道地产药材中选择12种重点药材作为药材饮片开发和开展相关种植基地建设;在新药研发方面,心脑血管疾病、消化系统疾病、肝病、风湿类疾病、妇科类疾病是藏药5个具有治疗优势的病种,也是进一步开发的重点领域;生产基地的建设以组建大型藏药集团、中藏药集团、化学和特控药品集团、包装和医疗器械集团等为发展重点;政策保障上应建立新药开发基金、加强法规建设、建立完善的市场体制、将生态建设与基地建设并举、广泛开展科技交流与合作等措施.
其他语种文摘 Based on analyzing the resource of traditional Chinese medicine and its developed realily in Qinghai Province, this article points out that medicine industry of Qinghai should be developed according to market-oriented strategy and innovative systems focusing on enterprises innovative abilities should be established. Twelve important medicine materials selected from eighty-four trueborn medicine materials are used to develop herb pieces and build related planting bases including Radix et Rhizoma Rhei( 10 OOOhm2 ), Cordyceps, Bul-bus Fritillariae( 1 333.33hm2), Radix Gentianae Macrophyllae(3 333.33hma ), Herba Saussureae, Radix Astragali ( 10 OOOhm2 ) , Cynomorium songaricum Rupr ( 1 333.33 hm2 ) , Herba Artemesiae Scopariae (1 333.33hm ) , etc. In the original environment, we build protected areas in the region that resource cen-tralizes, such as Aweto protected area in Yushu state; Bullbus Fritilllariae in Yushu and Hainan states; Cynomorium songaricum Rupr, Apocynum venetum L. in the city of Geermu; Radix et Rhizoma Rhei in Guoluo and Yushu states; Herba Artemesiae Scopariae and Herba Ephedrae in Hainan state; Herba Saussure-ae in Hainan and Haibei states; Radix Astragali in Guoluo and Hainan states; Fructus Lycii in Haixi state and Cornu Cervi Pantotrichum in Hainan and Yushu states. Tibet medicine can treat heart-brain vessel dis-eases, digestive system diseases, liver diseases, rheumatism diseases predominantly, so these are potential fields to be further developed; producing base should be emphasized on large Tibet medicine groups, Chinese Tibet medicine groups, chemical and specially-controlled medicine groups and packaging and medical appli-ance groups, such as building Tibet medicine group in Qinghai province in the nucleus of Qinghai Tibet phar-macy enterprise and Jingzhu Tibet medicine co, Ltd. ; building Chinese Tibet medicine pharmacy groups in the nucleus of Qinghai Sanpu co, Ltd. and associate with Haibei pharmacy enterprise, Dadi pharmacy co, Ltd. ; medicinal materials enteiprises and herb piece enteiprises; building chemistry material, Western medi-cine preparation and special-control medicine pharmacy groups in the nucleus of Qinghai pharmacy enterprise and associate with biochemistry pharmacy enterprise in Qinghai, Xihai pharmacy enterprise and Qinghaihu pharmacy enterprise; and building packaging and medical appliance groups in the nucleus of Qinghai Mingjiao co,Ltd. and associate with Qinghai oxygen enterprise, feeding-oxygen station in Xinin steel enter-prise , the policy should ensure to found foundations for develop new medicine, strengthen laws, build perfect market mechanism, attach importance to ecology as much as bases, develop science-technique intercourse and corporation.
来源 资源科学 ,2004,26(3):17-21 【核心库】
关键词 药用资源 ; 中藏药 ; 产业基地 ; 青海

北京师范大学资源学院, 北京, 100875

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 1007-7588
学科 社会科学总论;植物学
基金 青海省发改委项目
文献收藏号 CSCD:1600416

参考文献 共 7 共1页

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引证文献 2

1 彭迪 青海藏药产业竞争力与区域经济发展耦合关系实证研究 世界科学技术:中医药现代化,2018,20(10):1895-1899
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2 孙晓明 藏族药种植区域与产业发展策略研究 中国中药杂志,2020,45(11):2708-2713
被引 6


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