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On adjustment to the management policy of land resources


文摘 为了适应新的形势和要求,国家应及时调整土地资源的管理政策。首先是调整土地管理工作中“数量、质量并重,兼顾生态”的方针,因为“兼顾生态”似不够突出生态建设的重要性。实际上,土地资源的许多数量、质量问题是由于忽视生态建设所造成的,所以应放在“优先”的地位。其次是调整“全国耕地总量动态平衡”和“耕地占补平衡”政策,因为工业化、城市化的发展进程、农业结构的调整,以及生态建设的需求,我国不可能做到耕地总量平衡和占补平衡。加入WTO也为调整这一政策提供了机遇和契机,所以今后似不宜再提。第三是应调整省级行政区域内部耕地数量平衡政策。从体现区域产业发展战略,促进区域经济协调发展出发,应该允许有些省级行政区域不必在耕地数量上平衡;粮食缺口可以通过关税配额或全国统一的粮食市场解决。
其他语种文摘 In order to fit new situation, management policy of land resources should be adjusted in China. Firstly,the guideline of "paying equal attention to quantity and quality,synchronously giving attention to ecology "ought to be reviewed, because the guideline seems not to give prominence to ecology.Actually, lots of problems concerning quantities and qualities of cultivated land resources are caused due to the ignorance of ecological reconstruction. So the management of cultivated land resources should not be "synchronously giving attention to ecology",but "paying preferential attention"and strengthen ecological reconstruction, including the establishment of law and statute in relation to the agro-ecological environmental protection and reconstruction^ well as the complementarity and consummation of the idiographic article in ecological reconstruction. Secondly, the guideline of "balance for gross cultivated land quantity in whole country"and "balance for abatement and reclamation of cultivated land quantity" ought to be reviewed, owing to the adjustment of the development process of industrialization and urbanization and correction of agricultural structure,as well as the need for ecological reconstruction. It is difficult to ensure that the total amount of cultivated land remains unreduced and to maintain balance between the amount of cultivated land used for other purposes and the amount of developed and reclaimed. The accession to WTO of China brings new encounter and opportunities,so the guidelines should not be mentioned henceforth, and may change to "enhance guaranteeing capacity of cultivated land resources for the integrated food throughput"or other similar parlance.Lastly,the total amount of cultivated land within their administrative areas is not reduced at provincial level should be reviewed, owing to the impersonal presence of three ecological zones including eastern part, central part and western part which have different developing levels and the obvious regional characters in agricultural production,because of expansion of territory, multiplicity of natural environment, and imbalance of regional development.From the embodiment of regional industrial developed stratagem and promotion of concerted development in the regional economy, permission should be given to some administrative areas at provincial level for not necessarily maintaining balance in gross cultivated land quantity, and food scarcity may be solved by customs quota or unified food market in the whole country.
来源 自然资源学报 ,2003,18(5):611-616 【核心库】
关键词 土地资源 ; 耕地 ; 管理政策 ; 调整

中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所, 北京, 100101

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 1000-3037
基金 中国科学院知识创新工程重要方向项目
文献收藏号 CSCD:1346175

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