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The Relationship between Floristic Character and Conservation ex situ of Endangered Plants


文摘 对昆明植物园迁地保护的濒危植物的适应性进行了观察总结,并讨论了濒危植物的区系性质与其对迁地保护区适应性的关系。原产云南中部和东南部的濒危植物对迁地保护区的环境有较强的适应性。大部分种类都能正常生长、开花和结果。广布种一般比分布区狭窄种有更强的适应能力。冬季低温制约着一些濒危植物在迁地保护区的生存。而冬春季节干旱制约高山种类的生存。一些种类虽生长、开花正常,但因其传粉媒介的缺乏而不结实。因物种的生理生态特性的差异,即使具有相同区系性质的不同种类也具有不同的适应性。
其他语种文摘 In the present paper, the adaptability of endangered plants introduced from various areas of China into Kunming Botanical Garden was summarized, and the relationship between floristic character and conservation ex situ is discussed. 1. Those species from central and southeast Yunnan have been found stronger adaptability. Most of them could grow, flower and fruit normally, because their native habitat is similar to that of Kunming. 2. The eurychoric species were also found stronger adaptability than the steno-choric species. 3. As Kunming is to be located in subtropical zone, the low temperature in winter has become a main limiting factor for the growth of some tropical species introduced from tropical belt, on the other, and the alpine species were limited by dryness in winter and spring in Kunming Botanical Garden. 4. Owing to lacking pollinators, some introduced species are easy of growth and flower, but very difficult to fruits in Kunming Botanical Garden. 5. Some species with same floristic character have different adaptabilities, because their different physiological stresses and ecological tolerances are different.
来源 云南植物研究 ,2003,25(3):354-360 【核心库】
关键词 濒危植物 ; 区系性质 ; 迁地保护 ; 适应性

中国科学院昆明植物研究所, 云南, 昆明, 650204

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 0253-2700
学科 植物学
基金 云南省中青年学术和技术带头人后备人才培养基金 ;  国家自然科学基金
文献收藏号 CSCD:1344521

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