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The intensity and modes of urban landuse growth in Shanghai


文摘 基于多时段TM遥感影像资料,通过有关城市扩展度量指标和网格样方法等空间分析手段的综合应用,论文对上海地区城市扩展规模、强度和空间分异特征进行了研究,结果表明:①上海市区各时期城市用地扩展相对集中于宝山一阂行、嘉定一浦东等方向,并分别构成城市扩展的南北轴向和东西轴向,不同时期各轴向城市用地扩展性质和强度有明显差异,从而使各时期城市扩展表现为以城镇用地为主(1987~1990)到城镇用地与工业开发区并存(1990~l 995)以及以工业开发区扩展为主(1995~2000)的形式;②整个上海地区城市化扩展模式在不同时期也发生了很大变化,由单的以中心市区及周边区域为主的"单核扩展"为主的模式,逐渐转变为较复杂的包括中心城区、卫星城、郊区城镇以及交通干道等周边区域的"多核扩展"和"点一轴扩展"模式,整个区域城市网络体系发育得更为完善,城市土地利用的功能也由简单趋于复杂和多元化;③从城市土地利用扩展的两种类型看,城镇用地与新开发区的扩展规模和速度及对城市土地利用扩展的贡献率等数量特征各时期存在着极为显著的差异。
其他语种文摘 Based on the multi-temporal remotely sensed data of TM & ETM, the magnitude, intensity and spatial heterogeneity of urban growth in Shanghai region were studied by integrating the urbanization index with GIS gridding analysis, the results indicate that: 1) The urban landuse growth relatively centralized along the directions represented by Baoshan-Minhang, and Jiading-Pudong, which also formed south-north and east-west axis of urban growth respectively. The urban landuse composition (i.e., residential & industrial landuse) and growth rate differed much in each stage,which led to the urban growth dominated by different urban landuse types and thus presented different performance.The urban landuse growth were controlled by the residential Ian-duse from 1987 to 1990 firstly, and then transformed being composed of residential and industrial landuse from 1990-1995.Finally, the industrial landuse acted as the key contributor to the urban landuse growth, 2) The urban growth modes were distinct in each stage, and showed the general trend from "single core growing "(urbanization is organized by single large city central) to the modes of "multi-core growing"and "point-axis growing "(urbanization are co-launched by city cen-tral,satellite towns and main traffic lines),thus the whole urbanization network has been setup and upgraded greatly, followed by the urban landuse function changed to be more complicated and multi-use oriented,3) the magnitude, rate and contribution to urban landuse growth showed strong difference for the landuse of city growing and developing zone. The city growing landuse dominated by the residential area decreased sharply in contrast with the rapidly increased trend for the landuse of developing zones,which manifest that the establishment and expansion of developing zones played a key role in urban landuse growth in the past decade.
来源 自然资源学报 ,2003,18(4):412-422 【核心库】
关键词 上海地区 ; 城市用地 ; 扩展强度与模式 ; 空间分异 ; 网格样方法

北京大学环境学院, 北京, 100871

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 1000-3037
基金 国家973计划 ;  中国科学院知识创新工程重要方向项目
文献收藏号 CSCD:1325319

参考文献 共 8 共1页

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