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Studies on stunting of Incarvillea and Clematis


文摘 为了提高株型较高的毛子草(1ncarvilleaarguta)和半藤本性状的毛茛铁线莲(Clematisranuncu- loides)的观赏价值,我们用多效唑、矮壮素和丁酰肼对它们进行了多种矮化处理。试验结果表明每盆用0.4 g 50%多效唑可湿性粉剂施于土壤,每两周全株喷0.25%的矮壮素并结合打顶可明显抑制第三年生毛子草的株高、花穗和羽状复叶的生长,增加了花穗数和花蕾总数,开花期比对照延长约10d。每两周全株喷0.76%丁酰肼并结合打顶可抑制毛茛铁线莲的枝条生长,促进分枝,增加花蕾数。对两种植物的矮化均表明矮化处理过的植株对白粉病有较强的抗性。
其他语种文摘 Incarvillea arguta and Clematis ranunculoides were treated by different stunting experiments. The results showed that the height, inflorescence and compound leaves of three-year old I. arguta had been restrained when 50% 0. 4 g paclobutrazol was added into the soil per pot together with pinching and spraying 0. 25% chlorocholine chloride every two weeks. The number of inflorescence and flower buds were increased. It showed that the stems of CL ranunculoides had been restrained and branches and flower buds were increased when 0. 76% daminozide was sprayed every two weeks together with pinching. Both experiments showed that the resistance of mildew of the stunted plants was improved.
来源 广西植物 ,2003,23(3):264-266 【核心库】
关键词 角蒿 ; 铁线莲 ; 矮化处理

中国科学院昆明植物研究所, 云南, 昆明, 650204

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 1000-3142
学科 植物学
基金 云南省国际合作项目
文献收藏号 CSCD:1308212

参考文献 共 4 共1页

1.  正交试验设计法编写组. 正交试验设计法,1979:24-31 被引 1    
2.  邵莉. 花卉化学促控技术,1993:55-57 被引 1    
3.  秦魁杰. 中国园林,1998,14(6):48 被引 1    
4.  Stefan B. Best Clematis,1998:12-13 被引 1    
引证文献 3

1 蔡正旺 铁线莲属植物的研究进展 安徽农业科学,2008,36(18):7632-7634
被引 3

2 刘庆超 我国铁线莲属植物资源研究进展 植物遗传资源学报,2014,15(3):483-490,497
被引 4


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