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Expression of NF-KappaB and c-myc protein in pastric carcinogenesis


文摘 目的 卑之无甚高论胃癌及癌前病变中NF-κB亚单位p65蛋白和c-myc蛋白的表达及相互关系。方法 用免疫组化法检测41例胃癌及25例相应非癌组织的p65和c-myc蛋白。结果(1)正常胃粘膜→肠型化生→不典型增生→胃癌中,两种蛋白的阳性表达率渐次升高,且增生组、胃癌组正常组相比差异分别有显著性,肠化与胃癌组间也有显著性差异(P < 0.05);(2)胃癌中,两种蛋白的表达在低未分化、进展期、有淋巴结转移和浸润至浆膜层的肿瘤中显著增高(P < 0.05);(3)肠化、增生和胃癌中,两者的表达分别具有中到强相关(r_s = 0.612-0.845, P < 0.01)。结论 NF-κBp65蛋白活性表达的增加是胃癌发生中的早期事件,c-myc基因产物可能作为其效应子,在胃癌的发生发展中发挥重要作用。
其他语种文摘 Objective To investigate the variant expression of NF-κBp65 and c-myc protein and their re-lationships in gastric carcinogenesis. Methods A total of 41 primary gastric tumors and 24 corresponding noncancer specimens were examined. Expression of activated NF-κB and c-myc protein were determinded by immunohistochemistry. Results (1) In normal mucosa-intestinal metaplasia-dysplasia-neoplasia, p65 expression were 0, 34.78%, 53.33%, 60. 98% , while c-myc protein were 0, 30.43%, 53.33%, 58.54%, respectively. The two parameters were significantly increased in dysplasia and carcinoma, compared to nor-mal mucosa, while the expression level were also significantly higher in carcinoma than in intestinal meta-plasia (P<0. 05). (2) The expression of NF-κBp65 and c-myc protein were significantly increased in the poorly differentiated group, advanced gastric carcinoma , lymph node metastasis and those which had inva-. ded to serosa(P<0. 05). (3) There were moderate or intense relationships between p65 and c-myc protein (r_s=0. 621-0. 845, P<0. 01). Conclusion The expression of NF-κBp65 and c-myc protein are up-regula-ted at an early stage of the gastric carcinogenesis. NF-κB may contribute to the overexpression of c-myc protein who may play an important role as the downstream response factor in the gastric carcinogenesis.
来源 肿瘤防治研究 ,2002,29(4):285-287 【扩展库】
关键词 胃癌 ; 胃癌前病变 ; NF-κB蛋白 ; c-myc蛋白

武汉大学人民医院消化内科, 430060

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 1000-8578
学科 肿瘤学
文献收藏号 CSCD:1161631

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