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抓住机遇 开拓创新 努力提高国土资源对可持续发展保障能力
To enhance guaranteeing capacity of sustainable development of national land resources: grasping every opportunity along with open up and innovation


文摘 加入WTO,我国国土资源管理工作面临新的形势,新的任务,新的要求,该文对我国加入WTO后土地,矿产,海洋等国土资源形势以及改进和加强管理工作面临的机遇和挑战进行了分析,提出了将进一步加强国土资源调查评价,加快国土资源市场建设,严格实施资源规划,加强宏观调控,积极实施“走出去”,“引进来”的战略,深化改革,推进依法行政,大力推进国土资源科技进步,努力提高国土资源对经济社会可持续发展的保障能力。
其他语种文摘 The accession to TWO of China brings new situation, new tasks and new requirements to the managerial work of China's national land resources. This paper analyses the status quo of land, mineral and marine resources after China's entry to TWO as well as the opportunities and challenges confronting China related to the improvements and enhancement of the corresponding managerial work. It points out that China should further strenthen national land resources investigation and assessment, quicken the pace of market construction of national land resources, strickly practice resources planning and macro coordination and control, energetically implement the strategic policy of "out going" and "incoming", deepen reform and administer according to law, promote science and technology advancement of national land resources by a big margin and strive to enhance guaranteeing capacity of sustainable socio-economic development of national land resources.
来源 自然资源学报 ,2002,17(6):657-663 【核心库】
关键词 国土资源 ; 可持续发展 ; 保障能力 ; WTO ; 资源管理 ; 资源调查

国土资源部, 北京, 100812

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 1000-3037
学科 社会科学总论
文献收藏号 CSCD:1117154

参考文献 共 3 共1页

1.  田凤山. 认清形势明确任务努力开创耕地保护工作新局面,2001 被引 1    
2.  . 国土资源“十五”计划纲要,2001 被引 1    
3.  . 国土资源国情国策国法普及读本,2001 被引 1    
引证文献 1

1 陈百明 试论土地资源管理政策的调整 自然资源学报,2003,18(5):611-616
被引 12


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