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Karyomorphology of Six Incarvillea Species


文摘 对紫葳科角蒿属(Incarvillea)6种植物(其中两头毛Incarvillen arguta包括红花和白花2个类型)进行了核形态学研究,它们的间期核均为简单染色中心型,前期染色体为中国型,体细胞中期染色体数目均为2n=22,核型公式分别为:(1)两头毛(红花类型)Incanillea ar-guta(Red-flower form)2n=22=14m+(2SAT)+8sm(lSAT),着丝点端化值(T.C.)为62.71,臂指数(N.F.值)为44;(la)两头毛(白花类型I.arguta(White-flower form)2n=22=16sm(lSAT)+6st,T.C.值为70.62,N.F值为38;(2)鸡肉参I.mairei 2n=22=6m+8sm(lSAT)+8st,T.C.值为70.07,N.F.值为36;(3)红波罗花I.delavayi 2n=22=10m+6sm+6st,T.C.值为61.33,N.F.值为38;(4)单叶波罗花I.forrestii2n=22\4m+8sm+10st(lSAT).T.C.值为73.10,N.F.值为34;(5)中甸角蒿I.zhongdianensis2n=22=4m+8sm+10st,T.C.值为72.31,N.F.值为34;(6)黄波罗花I.lutea2n=22=4m+8sm(2SAT)+10st,T.C.值为69.47,N.F.值为34。上述几种植物中,除两头毛(红花类型)的核型不对称性为2A型外,其余几种的核型不对称性都属于3A型,本文观察的6种植物的核形态结构均为首次报道。
其他语种文摘 In the present paper, six species in Incarvillea, Bignoniaceae, were karyomoiphologically investigated. The inteiphase nuclei and prophase chromosomes of all these species were found to be of the simple chromocenter type and the interstitial type respectively. The metaphase chromosome number 2n = 22 was counted for each species. The karyotypes were formulated to be 2n=22=14m+(2SAT +8sm (1SAT) for I. arguta (red - flower form), 2n=22=163m (1SAT) + 6st for I. argiita (white - flower form), 2n=22=6m+8sm (1SAT)+8st for I. mairei, 2n=22=10m+6sm+6st for I. delavayi, 2n=22=4m+8sm+10st (1SAT) for I. forreslii, 2n=22=4m+8sm+10st for I. zhongdianensis, and 2n=22=4m+8sm (23AT) + 10st for I. lutea, respectively. The centromeric terminalization value (T.C.%) was 62.71% for I. arguta (red - flower form), 70.62% for I. arguta (white - flower form), 70.07% for I. mairei, 61.33% for I. delavayi, 73.10% for I. forrestii, 72.31% for I. zhongdianensis, and 69.47% for I. lutea. The N.F. value was 44 for I. arguta (red - flower form), 38 for I. arguta (white - flower form), 36 for I. mairei, 38 for I. delavayi, 34 for I. forrestii, 34 for I. dumgdianensis, and 34 for I. lutea. Except that of I. arguta (red - flower form) being of 2A type, the kaiyotype asyirmietry of the other species was all of 3A type. The karyomorphology of these 6 species in Incaruillea was reported here for the first time.
来源 云南植物研究 ,2002,24(1):87-93 【核心库】
关键词 紫葳科 ; 角蒿属 ; 核形态学 ;

中国科学院昆明植物研究所, 云南, 昆明, 650204

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 0253-2700
学科 植物学
文献收藏号 CSCD:1078341

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