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A New Preparation Process of Low-Cost Synthesis Gas from Natural Gas and Coal and Its Thermodynamic Analysis


文摘 20世纪后期,天然气勘探开发技术进步很快。发达国家中,天然气已逐步成为一种占主导地位的清洁能源。目前我国许多天然气化工企业面临天然气管网价格偏高、供应量不足和开工率下降等问题。新建的天然气化工厂,应考虑进入WTO后激烈的国际价格竞争。为解决上述问题,本文提出一种天然气和煤联合制备廉价合成气的新工艺,主要特点为利用廉价的煤,替代转化工艺中的燃料天然气,从而减少天然气的消耗量,降低合成气的生产成本。为减少煤造气设备设资(约占总投资的60%),核心设备可在退役高炉的基础上进行改造。这种新型合成气制备工艺对天然气价格有较强的弹性和适应性。
其他语种文摘 As a clean energy, natural gas has been widely used in many developed countries. However, a chemical plant with natural gas as its feed may be often disturbed by the high - cost and insufficient supply of natural gas, which may lead to a decrease of the operation period. To solve these problems, a new process for the preparation of low - cost synthesis gas from natural gas and coal is presented in this paper. Cheaper coal, which serves as a heating material and also a reactant, is fed into the furnace to partially substitute the expensive and largely consumed natural gas. In this way low - cost synthesis gas can be produced. To reduce the investment cost of the gasification unit of coal (about 60% of the total investment), the preparation furnace can be reconstructed on a small or medium blast furnace left unused in iron steel factories. This new process provides the flexibility to the price fluctuation of natural gas.
来源 计算机与应用化学 ,2002,19(4):381-384 【核心库】
关键词 高炉 ; 天然气 ; ; 合成气

中国科学院过程工程研究所, 北京, 100080

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 1001-4160
学科 石油、天然气工业
文献收藏号 CSCD:1029419

参考文献 共 4 共1页

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