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Formation mechanisms of the superhigh concentration of REE and the strong negative Ce anomalies in the carbonate rock weathering profiles


文摘 碳酸盐岩的REE含量极低,但最近在贵州一些碳酸盐岩风化壳土层底部首次发现了REE的超常富集层,REE总量最高可达近31 000 μg/g;Ce强烈亏损,δCe值最低达0.007。这种低背景、高富集、强化异的REE富集现象在贵州碳酸盐岩风化壳中具有一定的普遍性。选取发育在下三叠统花溪灰岩和平坝白云岩之上的两个较具代表性的碳酸盐岩风化壳进行研究,结果表明,这种富集现象与碳酸盐岩风化成土的两阶段性密切相关。(1)在残积土形成阶段(风化早期),碳酸盐的快速溶解导致风化前缘形成一个垂直方向相对狭窄、突变的碱性障(pH值为8左右)。此障既能有效地将碳酸盐岩分解释放的REE以及下渗水携带的REE分解沉淀和吸附干粘土矿物上的方式富集,也容易使Ce~(3+)氧化成Ce~(4+),并与HCO_3~-形成稳定的可溶性络合物随下渗雨水流走,从而使Ce进一步亏损。(2)残积土演化阶段,轻、重稀土发生明显分异,Ce~(3+)氧化成Ce~(4+)并发生水解沉淀,致使下渗水富重稀土而贫Ce,最终使REE在剖面上显示出一般风化壳共有的分异特征。另外,根据对碳酸盐岩中的酸不溶物、可溶性稀土的提取以及质量平衡计算,碳酸盐岩能够提供足够的REE物源;以可溶态为主的赋存状态有利于REE的淋滤(活化)。
其他语种文摘 As well known, the REE concentration is very low in carbonate rocks. However, superhigh concentration beds of REE, where the REE concentration can be up to about 31 000 μg/g, are found at the weathering front of carbonate rock weathering profiles in Guizhou, China. The strong negative Ce anomalies are also found in those REE enrichment beds, whose δCe can be low to 0.007. The phenomena of low background, strong enrichment and strong fractionation of REE have some certain universality in the carbonate rock weathering profiles in Guizhou. According to the results of mass balance calculation, it is considered that carbonate rocks can supply enough REE sources. The soluble existing states of REE in the parent rocks and enrichment beds, which are found by chemical leaching experiments, are in favor of activation and transportation. A sudden change and narrow alkali barrier, which is considered that it is the result of rapid solution of carbonate minerals, is also found according to the variation of the pH values of samples along the weathering profiles. The alkali barrier may be the most important factor that causes the REE enrichment. During the early stage of carbonate rocks weathering, the alkali barrier can preserve the REE effectively, which is released by weathering. And the barrier can also cause the complexes and/or ions of REE that were carried from the upper part of the profile to weathering front in infiltration water to precipitate and adsorb on clay. The strong negative anomalies of Ce in the studied profiles suggest that significant fractionation has been occurred between cerium and other rare earth elements during weathering processes. The soluble Ce~(3+) is oxidized to Ce~(4+) and precipitates from solution as very insoluble CeO_2. Consequently, the solution shows a negative Ce-anomaly. However, there is not a weathering profile or a groundwater sample in weathering profile having such strong negative Ce-anomaly as our studied profiles. And this imply that the fractionation between cerium and other rare earth elements by oxidization from Ce~(3+) to Ce~(4+) and precipitation from solution can not explain the formation of the strong negative Ce-anomaly in the studied profiles entirely. In alkali solution, Ce~(3+) can be oxidized to Ce~(4+) easily, and it has great mobilization (compared with other light REE) results from preferential formation of complexes with carbonate ligands, which are released by dissolution of carbonate minerals at weathering front. Therefore, the fractionation between cerium and other REE is not only occurred in the upper part of the profile during the later stage of weathering, but also occurred at weathering front during the early stage of weathering.
来源 地球化学 ,2002,31(2):119-128 【核心库】
关键词 碳酸盐岩 ; 风化前缘 ; REE超常富集 ; Ce强烈亏损 ; 碱性障 ; 形成机理 ; 贵州省

中科院贵阳地球化学所, 环境地球化学国家重点实验室, 贵州, 贵阳, 550002

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 0379-1726
学科 地质学
基金 国家自然科学基金 ;  国家攀登计划项目
文献收藏号 CSCD:966123

参考文献 共 24 共2页

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