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Analysis and Prediction of Settlement of Existing Pipeline During Shield Tunnelling


庄新玉 *  
文摘 隧道下穿既有管线施工容易造成管线变形及破坏,为了预测隧道下穿施工时的管线变形量,及时采取措施控制管线变形,亟需提出一种管线变形预测方法.以上海某大型断面越江隧道为工程背景,建立盾构下穿既有管线数值模型,定量研究了隧道下穿过程中,隧道直径、管线直径、管隧净距以及管线埋深四个因素对管线变形的影响,并得到了隧道施工对管线沉降影响的多因素耦合公式.隧道下穿完成后,管线及地表沉降均呈现出中间大、两边小的规律.管线最大沉降随着隧道直径、既有管线直径的增大线性增大,随着管隧净距的增大线性减小;管线直径在小于0.5 m时对管线变形的影响较小.提出了描述管线沉降与三个因素之间定量关系的拟合公式,用于隧道下穿管线的估算,对类似工程具有直观参考作用.
其他语种文摘 The construction of tunnels underpassing existing pipelines is prone to cause pipeline deformation and damage. In order to predict the deformation of pipelines during tunnel underpass construction, and take timely measures to control the pipeline deformation, it is important to propose a pipeline deformation prediction method. Taking a large cross-section river crossing tunnel in Shanghai as the engineering background, a numerical model of shield tunneling underpassing existing pipelines was established. The influences of tunnel diameter, pipeline diameter, net distance between pipelines and tunnels, and pipeline burial depth on pipeline deformation during the tunnel tunneling process were quantitatively studied, and a multi-factor coupling formula was obtained for the influence of tunnel construction on pipeline settlement. After the tunnel underpassing is completed, the settlements of the pipeline and the surface both show a pattern of large in the middle and small on the sides. The maximum settlement of pipeline increases linearly with the increase of the tunnel diameter and the existing pipeline diameter, and decreases linearly with the increase of net distance between pipeline and tunnel. When the pipeline diameter is less than 0.5 m, the impact on the pipeline deformation is relatively small. A fitting formula has been proposed to describe the quantitative relationship between the pipeline settlement and the three influential factors for the estimation of tunnel underpassing pipelines, to provide an intuitive reference for similar projects.
来源 力学季刊 ,2024,45(1):239-247 【扩展库】
DOI 10.15959/j.cnki.0254-0053.2024.01.021
关键词 隧道 ; 既有管线 ; 下穿 ; 沉降 ; 预测

中铁第一勘察设计院集团有限公司, 陕西, 西安, 710043

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 0254-0053
学科 公路运输
文献收藏号 CSCD:7683877

参考文献 共 10 共1页

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