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Quantitative effects of anthropogenic and natural interactions on heavy metal pollution and spatial distribution in sediment of Qinhe River


张春晖 1   王明仕 1   孙昂 1   韩桥 2   陈纯 3   刘丹 3   毛盼 1   冯茜茜 1   王明娅 1  
文摘 为探究黄河支流-沁河河流底泥中重金属的污染特征、空间分布及其影响因素,于2020年10月采集了24份沁河(晋城段)底泥样品,使用电感耦合等离子体质谱仪(ICP-MS)测定了6种重金属(Cr、Mn、Ni、Cu、Zn和Pb)及类金属As的含量.同时,基于地理探测器模型,以6种自然因素和4种人为因素为变量对底泥重金属污染影响因素及来源进行空间分布探究.结果表明,沁河底泥中元素Cr、Mn、Ni、Cu、Zn、As和Pb的平均含量分别为48.9、505.6、27.3、40.1、59.6、44.5和30.4 mg·kg~(-1),超过山西省土壤背景值的17%、38%、33%、92%、29%、100%和92%.其中,Cr、Mn、Ni和Zn污染水平较低,而As、Pb和Cu污染水平较高,是主要超标污染物,对周围生态环境造成了一定的影响.相关性和主成分分析显示,Cr、Cu、Zn和Pb可能受交通源影响,As受农业源影响,Mn主要来自于自然源.人为因素和自然因素的交互作用大多数为双因素增强效应,显著促进了重金属在底泥中的积累.土地利用和道路密度是与自然因素相互作用时促进重金属积累最多的人为因素,NDVI和黏土含量是与人为因素相互作用时促进重金属积累最多的自然因素.其中,土地利用与NDVI、温度的相互作用增强了As在空间上的分布,道路密度与NDVI、黏土含量的相互作用增强了Pb在空间上的分布.As、Mn和Cr的主导因素是土地利用,Pb、Cu、Ni和Zn的主导因素分别是道路密度、温度、土壤类型和黏土含量.各因素均对重金属含量的空间分布具有较强影响,对底泥重金属空间污染扩散起到一定的驱动作用.
其他语种文摘 To explore the pollution characteristics,spatial distribution and influencing factors of heavy metals in the river sediment of the Qinhe River,a tributary of the Yellow River,24 sediment samples were collected from the Qin River (Jincheng section) in October 2020.The contents of six heavy metals(Cr,Mn,Ni,Cu,Zn and Pb) and the metal-like As were determined using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry(ICP-MS).Based on the geographical detector model,six natural factors and four human factors were adopted as variables to explore the spatial distribution of the factors and sources of heavy metal pollution in sediment.The results indicated that the average contents of Cr,Mn,Ni,Cu,Zn,As and Pb in the sediment of the Qinhe River were 48.9,505.6,27.3,40.1,59.6,44.5 and 30.4 mg·kg~(-1),respectively,exceeding 17%,38%,33%,92%,29%,100% and 92% of the soil background value in Shanxi Province.Among them,Cr,Mn,Ni and Zn pollution levels are small,while As,Pb and Cu pollution are large and are the main exceedance pollutants,posing a certain impact on the surrounding ecological environment.Correlation and principal component analysis reveal that Cr,Cu,Zn and Pb may be affected by traffic sources,As by agricultural sources,and Mn mainly from natural sources.The interaction between human factors and natural factors is mostly a two-factor enhancement effect,which significantly promotes the accumulation of heavy metals in the sediment.Land use and road density are the human factors that contribute most to the accumulation of heavy metals when interacting with natural factors,while NDVI and clay content are the natural factors that contribute most to the accumulation of heavy metals when interacting with anthropogenic factors.Among them,the interaction of land use,NDVI and temperature enhances the spatial distribution of As,and the interaction of road density,NDVI and clay content enhances the spatial distribution of Pb.As,Mn and Cr are dominated by land use,while Pb,Cu,Ni and Zn are dominated by road density,temperature,soil type and clay content.All factors have a strong influence on the spatial distribution of heavy metal content and contribute to the spatial dispersion of heavy metal contamination in sediments.
来源 环境科学学报 ,2023,43(9):176-186 【核心库】
DOI 10.13671/j.hjkxxb.2023.0077
关键词 沁河 ; 底泥 ; 重金属 ; 污染分布 ; 地理探测器

1. 河南理工大学资源环境学院, 焦作, 454003  

2. 中国科学院地球化学研究所, 贵阳, 550081  

3. 河南省环境监测技术重点实验室, 河南省环境监测技术重点实验室, 郑州, 450004

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 0253-2468
学科 环境质量评价与环境监测
基金 国家自然科学基金
文献收藏号 CSCD:7552172

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