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Comparison Between EuroQol Five-Dimensional Questionnaire and Short-Form 6-Dimension Health Survey for the Populations in China: A Scoping Review


张爱雪 1   毛竹欣 2   王沛 1 *  
文摘 目的通过梳理和总结基于中国人群比较欧洲五维健康量表(EQ-5D)和六维健康调查简表(SF-6D)测量属性的研究,为中国人群健康相关生命质量与健康效用测量工具的选择、应用及完善提供参考。方法在中英文数据库中进行系统文献检索,筛选出在中国人群中同时使用EQ-5D和SF-6D进行测量的原创性研究,从测量属性方面进行系统性归纳总结。结果共纳入了12篇研究,包括关于疾病人群9篇研究和关于普通人群3篇研究。两类人群的研究普遍发现EQ-5D和SF-6D量表均具有较好的可行性,但两者的效用值不能互换使用。在疾病人群中EQ-5D和SF-6D量表和效用值均具有较好的结构效度包括聚合效度与知组效度,而普通人群的研究发现两者类似维度的相关性较差。疾病人群的研究发现SF-6D相对于3水平EQ-5D有更小的天花板效应与更好的灵敏性,但与5水平EQ-5D的比较却有不一致的结果,同时,普通人群的研究发现SF-6D的灵敏性优于EQ-5D。此外,在两种人群中对于信度比如重测信度以及反应性的比较证据还很缺乏。结论总结与归纳了中国人群中直接比较两者研究的特征,以及其使用的研究方法、结果与结论。尽管仅纳入了直接比较EQ-5D和SF-6D的研究,但发现的共性问题,为今后更好地比较两者提供了方向与依据。
其他语种文摘 Objective By review of the studies comparing the measurements properties of EuroQol fivedimensional questionnaire (EQ-5D) and short-form 6-dimension health survey (SF-6D) in Chinese populations, this study aims to provide a reference for selecting,applying,and improving the health-related quality of life and health utility measurement tools for Chinese populations. Methods We retrieved the original studies which compared the two tools from both Chinese and English databases and then summarized the findings of the included studies from the measurement properties. Results A total of 12 studies were screened out,including 9 studies about diseased populations and 3 studies about the general populations. The included studies generally demonstrated that both EQ-5D and SF-6D had good feasibility,while the utility scores generated from them cannot be used interchangeably. For the diseased populations,both EQ-5D and SF-6D and their utility scores had good construct validity,including convergent and known-groups validity,while only the utility scores had good construct validity for the general populations. For the diseased populations,SF-6D had smaller ceiling effect and better sensitivity than EQ-5D-3L,while the comparison results between SF-6D and EQ-5D-5L were inconsistent. For the general populations,SF-6D also had better sensitivity than EQ-5D. In addition,there was little comparative evidence for reliability such as test-retest reliability and responsiveness between SF-6D and SF-6D in the two populations. Conclusion This review summarized the characteristics,methods,results,and conclusions of the studies that directly compared the two tools for the populations in China. Although only the studies directly comparing EQ-5D and SF-6D are included in this review,the common findings in these studies provide a basis for better comparison between the two in the future.
来源 中国医学科学院学报 ,2023,45(4):655-665 【核心库】
DOI 10.3881/j.issn.1000-503X.15186
关键词 欧洲五维健康量表 ; 六维健康调查简表 ; 中国人群 ; 比较

1. 复旦大学公共卫生学院, 上海, 200032  

2. 西南财经大学公共管理学院, 成都, 611130

语种 中文
文献类型 综述型
ISSN 1000-503X
学科 医药、卫生
基金 国家自然科学基金面上项目
文献收藏号 CSCD:7551656

参考文献 共 43 共3页

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