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Development and test of the Point Ahead Angle Mechanism for space gravitational wave detection


朱伟舟 1,2   谢永 1   贾建军 1,2 *   张亮 1,2   高瑞弘 3   王雪 1,2  
文摘 探测低频引力波需要脱离地缘噪声干扰,在空间搭建激光干涉引力波探测装置。太极、 LISA、天琴等空间引力波探测任务,计划在几十万到几百万公里量级的臂长上实现皮米级的位移测量精度,以满足引力波探测的要求。在探测任务中,考虑轨道季节性变化和星间激光传输时间等因素,发射光束需要一个超前角度,确保远端望远镜能够接收到光束,从而完成星间激光干涉。针对发射光束需要超前角度的需求,设计并研制了一款用于激光干涉链路中提供超前角度的光束指向机构,即超前瞄准机构。该机构基于将偏转轴配置在反射镜面上的设计理念,采用柔性铰链和杠杆配合的结构形式,利用压电陶瓷自闭环进行驱动控制,实现光束一维高精度偏转。对该机构进行仿真分析,验证其力学特性以及偏转范围。对所研制的机构进行了一系列实验测试,结果表明,该机构偏转范围可达到709.4 μrad,偏转精度可达到0.44 μrad,机构偏转引起的光程差优于10 pm/√Hz (1~10 Hz)。从而验证了该机构设计的可行性,为实现光束超稳高精度偏转提供一定的参考。
其他语种文摘 Objective To detect low-frequency gravitational waves, it is necessary to eliminate the interference of geo-noise and build a laser interference gravitational wave detection device in space. Taiji, LISA, Tianqin and other space gravitational wave detection missions have been planning to achieve pm-sensitivity on the arm length of several million kilometers to meet the requirements of gravitational wave detection. Because of orbit evolution and time delay in the interferometer arms, the direction of transmitted laser beam changes, consequently, a remote telescope cannot receive the laser beam to complete the inter-satellite laser interference. Aiming at the need for the point ahead angle of the emission beam, a beam pointing mechanism that provides the point ahead angle in the laser interference link is designed and developed for the space gravitational wave detection device, called the Point Ahead Angle Mechanism. Methods Based on the design concept of aligning the rotary axis on the mirror surface, the Point Ahead Angle Mechanism employs the structural form of flexible hinges and lever (Fig.2), and the control scheme of piezoelectric ceramic self-closing loops to achieve one-dimensional high-precision beam rotation (Fig.3). Mechanical properties are verified by the simulation analysis (Fig.4-5). Rotary range of the mechanism is verified by the simulation analysis (Fig.6). Under the condition of normal temperature and pressure with a relative humidity of 60%, the rotary characteristic test is carried out by using an autocollimator (Fig.7). And under the conditions of normal temperature (24 ℃) and vacuum environment (less than 50 Pa), a special interferometer is built to test the optical path difference (Fig.9). Results and Discussions A series of experiments are conducted on the mechanism, and the results show that the rotary range of the mechanism is 709.4 μrad, rotary accuracy is 0.44 μrad, and the results meet the requirements (Fig.8). The optical path differences are better than 10 pm/√Hz when the frequency is between 1 Hz and 10 Hz, and the results meet the requirement (Fig.10). But when the frequency was between 1 mHz and 1 Hz, the optical path differences are greater than 10 pm/√Hz. After simulation analysis, they are mainly related to the influence of temperature changes in the experimental environment (Fig.11). This is also the direction of further research. In short, it is proven that the principal design of the mechanism is feasible, and it is a reasonable reference for achieving ultra-stable and high-precision beam rotation. Conclusions In this study, the Point Ahead Angle Mechanism for space gravitational wave detection is designed and developed, and the corresponding index tests are completed, which verify the rationality of the mechanism design. The mechanism is a one-dimensional and two-way rotation, the maximum rotary range can reach about 709.4 μrad, and the rotary accuracy can reach about 0.44 μrad, all of which meet the expected design requirements. When the frequency is between 1 Hz and 10 Hz, the optical path difference caused by the mechanism is better than 10 pm/√Hz, and when the frequency is between 1 mHz and 1 Hz, the optical path difference is greater than 10 pm/√Hz. The optical path difference of the Point Ahead Angle Mechanism developed in this paper still has a gap with the foreign advanced level and design requirements, and the mechanism needs to be optimized. At the same time, the influence of temperature on the optical path difference test should be considered in further research.
来源 红外与激光工程 ,2023,52(4):20220423 【核心库】
DOI 10.3788/IRLA20220423
关键词 空间引力波探测 ; 超前瞄准机构 ; 柔性铰链 ; 光程差

1. 中国科学院上海技术物理研究所, 上海, 200083  

2. 中国科学院大学, 北京, 100049  

3. 中国科学院力学研究所, 北京, 100190

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 1007-2276
学科 机械、仪表工业
文献收藏号 CSCD:7445819

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引证文献 1

1 闫泽昊 空间引力波望远镜超前瞄准机构致动器电荷驱动位移行为研究 光电工程,2023,50(11):230223
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