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Radar Polarization Modulation Countermeasures for Combined Corner Reflector: Anti Diluted Jamming


文摘 雷达导引头末制导阶段易被角反干扰诱偏,导致对海精确打击效能急剧下降,导引头抗角反干扰能力提升需求迫切.新型充气式角反覆盖频段广,散射截面积大,多个角反阵列排布可模拟类似于舰船的假目标,形成冲淡式干扰态势,需要对角反阵列进行辨识.常用的对抗手段包括一维距离像特征鉴别和极化分解特征鉴别,前者受限于空间几何关系,后者受限于极化测量精度,抗干扰效能皆有限.物理上,舰船为包含复杂结构的连续刚体,角反阵列为散射结构一致的多个离散点,两者回波的极化特性存在显著差异.本文从极化域变焦超分辨原理出发,建立了角反阵列和舰船的极化雷达信号模型,通过调控收发极化改变散射点的相干叠加效果,构建极化-距离二维图像并提取相关性特征参数表征目标差异,结合支持向量机提出角反阵列辨识算法,实现抗冲淡式角反干扰.仿真实验结果表明,所提算法角反鉴别性能鲁棒性强,可有效对抗冲淡式干扰,鉴别精度优于极化特征分解方法,在低信噪比条件下平均提升7.5%,在交叉极化隔离度高于-25 dB条件下平均提升27.3%.
其他语种文摘 Under the stage of terminal guidance, radar seeker can be easily deflated by corner reflector, which will lead to the sharp decline of the precision attack efficiency on the sea. It is urgent to improve the capability of anti corner reflector jamming. The new inflatable corner reflector works in wide frequency band with large radar cross section. Proper assignment of corner reflector array can simulate false targets similar with ships and form diluted jamming. Therefore, corner reflector array should be distinguished from ships. The common countermeasure is to recognize corner reflectors with HRRP and polarization decomposition. However, the former is constrained by spatial geometry, while the latter is affected by the accuracy of polarization measurement, both of which have limited anti-jamming performance. Physically, ships are continuous rigid bodies containing complex structures, and corner reflectors arrays are discrete points with uniform structures. The polarization characteristics of their echoes has significant difference. In this paper, based on the principle of polarization modulation technology, the signal models of corner reflector arrays and ships are established. With modulating the transmitting and receiving polarization, the coherent superposition effect among scatters is changed. The polarization-range 2D image is established and the correlation characteristic parameters are extracted to characteristic target’s difference. Finally, combined with support vector machine, a corner reflector array recognition method is proposed. The results of simulation experiments show that proposed method has stable recognition performance and can effectively combat the diluting jamming. Compared with polarization decomposition method, the recognition accuracy of proposed algorithm improves 7.5% under the low SNR condition, while improves 27.3% when the cross-polarization isolation is higher than -25 dB.
来源 电子学报 ,2022,50(12):2969-2983 【核心库】
DOI 10.12263/DZXB.20220979
关键词 角反阵列 ; 冲淡式干扰 ; 极化域变焦 ; 极化-距离二维像 ; 支持向量机

国防科技大学电子科学学院, 电子信息系统复杂电磁环境效应国家重点实验室, 湖南, 长沙, 410073

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 0372-2112
学科 电子技术、通信技术
基金 国家自然科学基金
文献收藏号 CSCD:7415474

参考文献 共 29 共2页

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