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Fundamental Research on Computing Integration Networking


张宏科 1,2   于成晓 2 *   权伟 1,2   张宇明 3  
文摘 随着国家数字经济战略加快实施建设,算力基础设施成为数字经济发展的重要引擎.新一代网络技术从信息数据通信向信息数据智能化处理转变,泛在的计算、存储以及传输资源的融合逐步形成算力网络.算力网络作为我国率先提出的新型网络架构,是推动我国信息产业发展,支撑我国"十四五"发展规划中"网络强化、数字中国"发展战略的重要基础.在此背景下,算力网络被提出旨在推动网络体系与算力体系的深度融合:一方面通过算力提升网络服务质量,资源调度以及服务功能的编排能力,实现智能高效的网络算力服务;另一方面网络作为连接纽带将离散的数据中心、超算中心等泛在算力进行融合,实现以云为中心的算力资源运营,利用网络促进算力高效调度.然而,算力网络研究尚处于起步阶段,在架构、标准以及技术方面尚未达成共识,相关架构、标准的设计依赖传统网络技术,缺乏构建统一的算力网络标准体系,研究面临诸多新需求和新挑战,如"在哪算""算什么"和"怎么算"等.本文基于前期"标识网络"与"智慧标识网络"研究,针对异构网络的深度融合与网络智慧化创新两大必然趋势,创造性提出"融算网络"体系及其关键机制,突破多网融合组网与高效兼容、多维统一标识及智能解析映射、按需组网及算网协同传输、算网融合的协同计算与优化等技术,构建算网深度融合的新型网络体系理论,旨在为不同行业和用户按需提供多元化算力服务支撑."融算网络"突破网络专网发展视角,结合网络融合化、智慧化发展趋势,研究构建新型理论体系与突破关键核心技术,实现核心技术自主可控、可兼容替代现有网络、功能性能领先国际的原创性建设目标,满足国家与行业重大战略需求,促进国家数字经济的发展,为全国一体化算力整体布局奠定理论基础.
其他语种文摘 With the national digital economy strategy to accelerate the implementation of construction, computing infrastructure has become an important engine for the development of the digital economy. The new generation network technology has changed from information data communication to intelligent processing of information data, and the integration of ubiquitous computing, storage and transmission resources has gradually formed the computing networking. As a new type of network architecture first proposed by my country, computing networking is an important basis for promoting the development of my country's information industry and supporting the development strategy of" network strengthening and digital China" in our country's" 14th Five-Year Plan" development plan. In this context, computing networking is proposed to build the deep integration of network system and computing system. On the one hand, it improves network service quality, resource scheduling, and service function orchestration capabilities through computing, and realizes intelligent and efficient network computing services; on the other hand, convergence realizes cloud-centric computing resource operation, and uses the network to promote efficient scheduling of computing. However, the research on computing networking is still in its infancy, and no consensus has been reached on architecture, standards, and technologies. The design of relevant architecture and standards relies on traditional network technology, and there is a lack of building a unified computing networking standard system. The research faces many new needs and new challenges, such as" where to compute"," what to compute" and" how to compute". In this paper, based on the previous works of identifier networking and smart identifier networking, we propose a novel network architecture with its associated key mechanisms, namely computing integration networking (CIN) in view of the two inevitable trends of deep integration of heterogeneous networks and intelligent network innovation. By multi-network fusion networking and high-efficiency compatibility, multi-dimensional unified identification and intelligent analysis and mapping, on-demand networking and computing-network collaborative transmission, collaborative computing and optimization of computing-network integration, CIN constructs a new network system theory with deep integration of computing networking. It aims to provide diversified computing services for different industries and users on demand. CIN breaks through the development perspective of network private network, combines the development trend of network integration and intelligence, researches and builds a new theoretical system and construction, breaks through key core technologies, and realizes core technologies that are independently controllable and compatible to replace existing networks and functions. The original construction goal of leading international performance meets the major strategic needs of the country and the industry, promotes the development of the national digital economy, and lays a theoretical foundation for the overall layout of the national integrated computing.
来源 电子学报 ,2022,50(12):2928-2934 【核心库】
DOI 10.12263/DZXB.20221140
关键词 算力网络 ; 融算网络 ; 算力标识 ; 网络体系架构

1. 北京交通大学电子信息工程学院, 北京, 100044  

2. 鹏城实验室, 广东, 深圳, 518055  

3. 北京邮电大学计算机学院, 北京, 100876

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 0372-2112
学科 自动化技术、计算机技术
基金 国家重点研发计划 ;  鹏城实验室重点项目
文献收藏号 CSCD:7415470

参考文献 共 12 共1页

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