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Research progress in degradable hydrogels as articular cartilage repair materials


吴晓芳 1   陈凯 2 *   张德坤 2 *  
文摘 可降解水凝胶因其良好的生物相容性和生物降解性被广泛用于关节软骨的修复和再生。本文以可降解水凝胶在软骨组织工程中的三类应用策略为主线,概述了用于原位成型可注射水凝胶的蛋白多糖类材料及纳米复合类材料;系统总结了传统工艺制造组织工程支架的优缺点及多种工艺结合的制备方法;重点归纳了近年来3D打印组织工程支架从纯软骨到骨/软骨一体化、从单层到多层的研究进展;最后分析了可降解水凝胶作为关节软骨支架材料在微观定向结构和生物活性功能化方面的局限性,并作出展望:未来开展多材料、多尺度、多诱导的高仿生梯度支架是关节软骨组织工程的一个重要研究方向。
其他语种文摘 Degradable hydrogels are widely used in the repair and regeneration of articular cartilage because of their good biocompatibility and biodegradability.Three application strategies of degradable hydrogels in cartilage tissue engineering were focused in this review.Firstly,the proteoglycan materials and nanocomposite materials for in-situ formed injectable hydrogels were reviewed. Secondly,the advantages and disadvantages of traditional technology for tissue engineering scaffolds and the preparation methods of combination of various technologies were systematically summarized. Importantly,the research progress of 3Dprinted tissue engineering scaffolds from pure cartilage to bone/cartilage integration,from single layer to multi-layer in recent years were summarized.Finally,the limitations of degradable hydrogel as articular cartilage scaffold material in micro-directional structure and bioactivity functionalization were discussed.It was prospected that developing highly biomimetic gradient scaffolds with multi-material,multi-scale and multi-inducement will be an important research direction of articular cartilage tissue engineering in the future.
来源 材料工程 ,2022,50(2):12-22 【核心库】
DOI 10.11868/j.issn.1001-4381.2021.000193
关键词 水凝胶 ; 关节软骨修复 ; 组织工程支架 ; 3D打印 ; 骨/软骨一体化

1. (徐州)中国矿业大学机电工程学院, 江苏, 徐州, 221116  

2. (徐州)中国矿业大学材料与物理学院, 江苏, 徐州, 221116

语种 中文
文献类型 综述型
ISSN 1001-4381
学科 一般工业技术
基金 国家自然科学基金项目 ;  江苏省"333工程"高层次人才培养科研项目
文献收藏号 CSCD:7201670

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