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Key Technologies of Space-Air-Ground Communication Networks: A Survey


安建平 1   李建国 2   于季弘 2 *   叶能 1  
文摘 伴随信息社会向网络化、泛在化、智能化持续发展,现有地面通信网络已经无法支持日益增长的宽带业务需求、泛在海量的物联接入需求、隐蔽可靠的安全传输需求.未来通信网络要求在全球范围内实现既纵深宽广又细致入微的全方位无线接入,其进一步演进亟需突破包括网络架构和空口技术等在内的底层技术.相比于地面通信网络,空天通信网络不受地形的限制,可实现包括海洋、森林、边远地区等的立体全覆盖,可在多维度多层次尺度实现全空间范围内的信息交互,将成为满足海量异构用户泛在连接需求的关键使能技术.本文综述了空天通信网络的关键技术,首先给出了空天通信网络现有系统及未来智慧社会业务的多元化应用场景,然后从空-天-地三网、物理-网络-应用三层、有效传输-资源管理-安全防护三域出发,给出了一种空天通信网络的整体架构.本文随后从组网与接入、物理层以及资源管理与切换等角度出发分别总结了关键技术.最后,本文指出了未来空天通信网络的技术发展挑战和趋势.
其他语种文摘 With the information society continuously developing towards networking, ubiquity, and intelligence, the existing terrestrial communication network has been unable to supply the increasing demand for broadband services, ubiquitous access, and concealed and reliable transmission. The future communication network requires the realization of allround wireless access. Its further evolution urgently needs to break through the underlying technologies including network architecture and air interface technology. Compared with the terrestrial communication networks, integrated space-airground communication networks can work independently of terrain, and can achieve full coverage including oceans, forests, remote areas, etc. In addition, the information interaction can also be achieved from multiple dimensions. The integrated space-air-ground communication will be one of the key technologies enabling the ubiquitous connection of enormous heterogeneous users. This paper summarizes the key technologies of aerospace communication networks. Firstly, we introduce the existing space-air-ground communication systems and the diversified application scenarios oriented for the future smart society. Secondly, an overall architecture of the integrated space-air-ground communication networks is presented from the perspectives of space-air-ground physical space, physical-network-application network structure, and effective transmissionresource management-security protection technical route. Subsequently, the key technologies are summarized such as networking and multiple access, physical layer and resource management, etc. Finally, the technical challenges and trends of future aerospace communication networks are pointed out.
来源 电子学报 ,2022,50(2):470-479 【核心库】
DOI 10.12263/DZXB.20210029
关键词 空天通信网络 ; 空天地一体化 ; 组网接入 ; 物理层技术

1. 北京理工大学网络空间安全学院, 北京, 100081  

2. 北京理工大学信息与电子学院, 北京, 100081

语种 中文
文献类型 综述型
ISSN 0372-2112
学科 电子技术、通信技术
基金 国家自然科学基金 ;  科技部重点研发计划
文献收藏号 CSCD:7195160

参考文献 共 47 共3页

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