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Novel Botnet DGA Domain Detection Method Based on Character Level Sliding Window and Deep Residual Network


刘小洋 1   刘加苗 1 *   刘超 1   张宜浩 2  
文摘 本文提出了一种基于字符级滑动窗口的深度残差网络(Sliding Window-Depth Residual Network,SWDRN),首次将轻量级深度可分离式卷积应用于僵尸网络中DGA(Domain Generation Algorithm)域名检测. SW-DRN采用深度可分离式卷积,相比标准卷积减少了约56%的参数,增强了模型检测效率.采集两种不同来源的数据,分别命名为Real-Dataset和Gen-Dataset. SW-DRN与对照组模型在两个数据集上进行实验,实验结果表明:SW-DRN模型在DGA域名二分类任务中的F-Score评估指标上分别取得了99.23%和97.81%的成绩;并且在少样本DGA域名家族以及域名字符串易混淆DGA域名情形下多分类任务中取得不错的成绩,相比目前已有的DGA域名分类模型在总体FScore上提升了1.23%和1.01%的性能,增强了DGA域名家族之间的识别;同时还对所提出的模型在生成对抗模型产生域名进行测试,均能得到有效的识别.
其他语种文摘 This paper proposed a character-level sliding window based deep residual network model SW-DRN (Sliding Window-Depth Residual Network), which was the first to apply light depthwise separable convolution to the DGA(Domain Generation Algorithm) domain name detection. In SW-DRN, the use of depthwise separable convolution reduced the number of model parameters by about 56% compared with standard convolution, which enhanced the efficiency of model detection. Collect data from two different sources, named Real-Dataset and Gen-Dataset. Finally, comparison experiments on the dataset with the proposed DGA domain name detection model by previous researchers. Experimental results on two datasets show that the proposed SW-DRN model has achieved good results of 99.23% and 97.81% on the F-Score evaluation indicator in the DGA domain name binary classification task. Compared with the existing DGA domain name classification model, the SW-DRN has made a 1.23% and 1.01% performance improvement on the F-Score, enhancing the DGA domain name family recognition. At the same time, the proposed model tests in the generative adversarial networks to generate domain names, and it can be effectively identified.
来源 电子学报 ,2022,50(1):250-256 【核心库】
DOI 10.12263/DZXB.20200619
关键词 域名生成算法 ; 字符级向量 ; 残差网络 ; 深度可分离式卷积

1. 重庆理工大学计算机科学与工程学院, 重庆, 400054  

2. 重庆理工大学人工智能学院, 重庆, 401135

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 0372-2112
学科 电子技术、通信技术
基金 国家社会科学基金
文献收藏号 CSCD:7169578

参考文献 共 17 共1页

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