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Advance into Ocean: From Bionic Monomer to Swarm Intelligence


文摘 近年来,群体智能作为一项多学科融合的新技术在各领域的研究成果斐然,例如共享出行、蜂群无人机系统、水下多智能体平台等,但与水下场景结合的群体智能技术缺乏系统的归纳,有必要对水下群体智能技术的发展现状和趋势进行讨论和分析.本文对群体智能理论进行了详尽的分析,给出了群体智能的完整概念、具体算法以及应用领域.文中指出,为解决海洋复杂环境对探测、通信等造成的一系列困难,需要将群体智能技术应用于水下场景.本文就国内外水下群体智能技术的研究现状进行了总结,对水下群体智能存在的环境复杂、通信受限、信息获取困难、系统能力不足以及能量供应受限的难点进行了评述.针对这些难点,本文对结合群体智能理论的时变环境感知技术、传感网络设计、协同导航定位技术、路径规划技术、水下编队控制以及分布式自主决策技术进行了分析,并在文末给出水下群体智能技术未来在跨域通信、多平台异构、自主作业能力革新方面的发展趋势和展望.
其他语种文摘 In recent years, swarm intelligence, as a novel multi-disciplinary technology, has made remarkable achievements in various fields, such as shared traffic, swarm unmanned aerial vehicle system, underwater multi-agent platform, and so on, but the swarm intelligence technology combined with underwater scene is lack of systematic induction. Therefore, it is necessary to discuss and analyze the development status and trend of underwater swarm intelligence technology. This review aims to study and summarize the underwater swarm intelligence technology. It makes a complete introduction to the swarm intelligence theory, and gives the complete concept, specific algorithm and application field of swarm intelligence. And swarm intelligence technology needs to be applied to underwater scenes in order to solve a series of difficulties caused by complex marine environment. This review summarizes the research status of underwater swarm intelligence technology at home and abroad, and comments on the difficulties of underwater swarm intelligence, such as complex environment, limited communication, difficult information acquisition, insufficient system capacity and limited energy supply. In addition, aiming at these difficulties, this review analyzes the time-varying environment perception technology, underwater sensor network, collaborative navigation and positioning technology, path planning technology, underwater formation control and distributed autonomous decision-making technology combined with swarm intelligence theory, and gives the future application of underwater swarm intelligence technology in cross domain communication, multi-platform heterogeneous development trend and prospect of innovation of independent operation ability.
来源 电子学报 ,2021,49(12):2458-2467 【核心库】
DOI 10.12263/DZXB.20201448
关键词 群体智能 ; 水下机器人 ; 智能控制 ; 多智能体 ; 自主潜航器 ; 粒子群算法 ; 分布式系统 ; 水下通信

清华大学电子工程系, 北京, 100084

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 0372-2112
学科 电子技术、通信技术
文献收藏号 CSCD:7127424

参考文献 共 50 共3页

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