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Heavy metal concentrations in aquatic products and health risk of human exposure in Qingdao City


李渊 1,2   王川 3   冯琳 1,2   丁丽 1,2   杨劭晨 3   李军 1,2   李平 1,2,3 *  
文摘 为了解青岛市水产品重金属污染状况,评估当地居民重金属的暴露水平以及探讨食用水产品对居民头发重金属含量的影响,采集青岛市不同售点19种常见水产样品156份和青岛市3个市辖区居民头发样品130份,采用ICP-MS测定样品中Cd、As、Pb、Cr、Cu和Zn六种重金属含量。结果表明:青岛地区市售19类156份水产品中,Cd、As、Pb、Cr、Cu和Zn含量的中位数分别为0.006、1.18、0.015、0.253、2.06和11.8 mg·kg~(-1),不同种类的水产品重金属含量差异显著;扇贝和虾蛄Cd平均含量分别为(2.45±2.37)和(1.14±0.16) mg· kg~(-1),其中50.0%的扇贝样品(6 /12)和100%的虾蛄样品(10 /10)超过我国食品安全国家标准限值2.0 mg·kg~(-1)(双壳类)和0.5 mg·kg~(-1)(甲壳类);青岛市居民头发Cd、As、Pb、Cr、Cu和Zn含量的中位数分别为0.0231、0.0518、0.988、0.595、7.81和155 mg·kg~(-1),分别超出我国居民头发重金属建议值比例为0、1.5%、2.3%、6.9%、2.3%和28.4%;食鱼频率高的居民头发Zn含量显著偏高;头发As、Pb和Zn含量随年龄变化具有显著差异;男性发As含量显著高于女性,女性发Zn含量显著高于男性。上述结果表明,青岛市售扇贝、虾蛄存在Cd含量超标,应避免食用;牡蛎Zn平均含量达107 mg·kg~(-1),应控制其食用量。青岛市居民头发重金属含量的主要影响因素包括年龄、性别、水产品的食用频率。青岛市居民头发Zn含量超标率达28%,说明当地人群存在一定的Zn暴露风险。本研究可为青岛市居民水产品膳食摄入和重金属暴露风险控制提供重要指导。
其他语种文摘 We investigated the pollution status of heavy metals in aquatic products and human exposure,and explored the influence of aquatic products consumption on the concentrations of heavy metals in residents'hair in Qingdao. A total of 156 aquatic products samples with 19 common species and 130 human hair samples were collected in Qingdao. The concentrations of Cd, As,Pb,Cr,Cu,and Zn in aquatic products and hair samples were measured by ICP-MS. The median values of Cd,As,Pb,Cr,Cu,and Zn concentrations in 156 aquatic products samples were 0.006,1.18,0.015,0.253,2.06,and 11.8 mg·kg~(-1),respectively. The concentrations of heavy metals varied across different kinds of aquatic products. The averages of Cd concentrations in scallops and shrimps were 2.45 and 1.14 mg·kg~(-1),respectively,with 50% of scallop samples (6 /12) and 100% of shrimps samples (10 /10) exceeding China's national food safety standard. The median values of Cd,As,Pb,Cr,Cu,and Zn concentrations in residents'hair samples were 0.0231,0.0518,0.988,0.595,7.81,and 155 mg·kg~(-1),respectively,with the exceeding rates being 0,1.5%,2.3%,6.9%,2.3% and 28.4% compared with national recommended values for hair heavy metals,respectively. The hair Zn concentrations in residents with high frequency of fish consumption were significantly elevated. The hair Pb,As,and Zn concentrations changed significantly with age. The hair As concentration of male was significantly higher than that of female (P<0.01),and hair Zn concentration of female was significantly higher than that of male (P<0.01). Our results indicated that the Cd concentrations in scallops and shrimps in Qingdao were relatively high,which should be restricted for consumption. The average Zn concentration in oyster was 107 mg·kg~(-1),which should be limited for consumption. The main influencing factors of heavy metals concentrations in human hair include age,gender,and the consumption frequency of aquatic products. About 28% of hair Zn concentrations exceeded the notional recommended value,indicating that residents in Qingdao had potential risks of Zn exposure. Our results provide important reference for dietary guidance of aquatic products and risk control of heavy metal exposure in Qingdao.
来源 生态学杂志 ,2021,40(11):3720-3729 【核心库】
DOI 10.13292/j.1000-4890.202110.001
关键词 水产品 ; 头发 ; 重金属 ; 青岛

1. 贵州医科大学公共卫生学院, 贵阳, 550025  

2. 贵州医科大学, 环境污染与疾病监控教育部重点实验室, 贵阳, 550025  

3. 中国科学院地球化学研究所, 环境地球化学国家重点实验室, 贵阳, 550081

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 1000-4890
学科 环境质量评价与环境监测
基金 国家自然科学基金
文献收藏号 CSCD:7087492

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