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High Efficiency Multi-piezoelectric Energy Harvesting Circuit Design Based on Synchronous Electric Charge Extraction


文摘 本文提出了一种基于同步电荷提取的高效多压电能俘获电路(High Efficiency Multi-piezoelectric Energy Harvesting Circuit Based on Synchronous Electric Charge Extraction, EM-SECE).所提出的电路利用改进的正负峰值检测结构,减小了压电元件(Piezoelectric Transducer, PZT)达到电压峰值处和开关动作之间的相位差,从而提高了单个压电元件的能量收集效率.并且利用单电感的时分复用,实现基于单电感的多个压电元件振动能俘获.所提出电路具有无整流桥结构,且可以实现自供电的特点.实验结果表明,相同实验条件下,单压电EM-SECE电路的俘获功率为标准能量俘获电路(SEH)最大功率的3.09倍;在仅用一个电感的情况下,双压电EM-SECE电路的俘获功率为两个单压电EMSECE电路之和的97%.
其他语种文摘 In this paper, a high efficiency multi-piezoelectric harvesting circuit based on synchronous charge extraction (EM-SECE) is presented. The proposed circuit utilizes an improved positive and negative peak detection structure so that the phase difference between the peak voltage of the piezoelectric transducer and the switching action is reduced, and then the energy harvesting efficiency of the single piezoelectric transducer is improved. Further, using time division multiplexing of single inductor, multi-piezoelectric energy harvesting is achieved. The proposed circuit is of self-powered characteristic with no rectifying bridge structure. The experimental results show that under the same experimental condition, the harvesting power of the EM-SECE circuit for single piezoelectric transducer is 3.09 times than the maximum power of the standard energy harvesting circuit; with only one inductor, the harvesting power of the EM-SECE circuit with double piezoelectric transducers is 0.97 times of the harvesting power sum of two piezoelectric transducers.
来源 电子学报 ,2021,49(8):1625-1632 【核心库】
DOI 10.12263/DZXB.20200002
关键词 振动能采集 ; 多压电 ; 时分复用 ; 自供电 ; 同步电荷提取电路

宁波大学信息科学与工程学院, 浙江, 宁波, 315211

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 0372-2112
学科 电子技术、通信技术
基金 国家自然科学基金 ;  NSFC-浙江两化融合联合基金
文献收藏号 CSCD:7055905

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