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Dynamic coupled simulation analysis of seepage and stress deformation of upstream cofferdam of Lava Hydropower Station


吴梦喜 1,2   宋世雄 1   吴文洪 3  
文摘 深厚低渗透土层天然地基上的土石围堰基础中,常常需要采用碎石桩等处理措施缩短固结排水距离,以控制堰基超孔隙水压力的累计幅度,加速其消散速度,从而减小堰基的变形,提高防渗体系的结构安全性和堰基的抗滑稳定性。基于拉哇水电站上游围堰设计论证和优化的需要,发展了围堰填筑和基坑开挖全过程渗流与应力变形耦合的二维和三维有限元仿真方法,并在LinkFEA软件中实现,成功用于拉哇上游围堰的计算分析。主要基于二维模型,介绍了二维模型中考虑三维绕渗效应、耦合计算中水中填筑与开挖边界条件处理、防渗墙与碎石桩施工仿真,二维模型中碎石桩与土复合地基的等效概化、低渗透土层的渗透系数随着压密而变化模拟等方面的方法,进行了拉哇上游围堰从地基初始应力计算、土体填筑与结构物施工、基坑开挖的全过程的渗流与应力变形的耦合计算,并对围堰戗堤填筑完成和堰体填筑完成两个典型时刻堰基的孔隙水压力、位移和土层与桩中的应力情况进行了分析。
其他语种文摘 The deep low permeability layers in earth-rock cofferdam foundation often need to use the treatment measures such as gravel piles to shorten the distance between consolidation drainages to control the cumulative quantitiy of the excess pore water pressure and to speed up its dissipation rate so as to reduce the deformation of dam foundation and improve the security of the seepage control system and stability against sliding of the dam foundation. Based on the needs of the design demonstration and optimization of the upstream cofferdam of Lava Hydropower Station,the 2D and 3D finite element simulation methods for the coupling of seepage and stress deformation in the whole process of cofferdam filling and foundation pit excavation are developed and implemented in the software LinkFEA,and are successfully used in the calculation and analysis of the cofferdam. The coupled simulation method for seepage and deformation of saturated soil foundation including gravel piles and its key simulation techniques are introduced,and the simulation of soil filling in water and construction of cutoff wall and gravel piles in the coupled calculation as well as the simulation of the permeability coefficient of low permeable soil layers changing with the compaction is realized. The pore water pressure and displacement at two typical stages are analyzed,and the variation characteristics of pore water pressure,stress and displacement are described.
来源 岩土工程学报 ,2021,43(4):613-623 【核心库】
DOI 10.11779/cjge202104003
关键词 渗流 ; 变形 ; 有限元 ; 固结 ; 耦合模拟

1. 中国科学院力学研究所, 北京, 100190  

2. 中国科学院大学, 北京, 100049  

3. 中国电建集团中南水利水电勘测设计研究院有限公司, 湖南, 长沙, 410014

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 1000-4548
学科 建筑科学
文献收藏号 CSCD:6938643

参考文献 共 11 共1页

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引证文献 1

1 江平 抛填饱和粉质黏土夹淤泥质土围堰稳定性分析 土木与环境工程学报(中英文),2022,44(6):22-32
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