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1200V大容量SiC MOSFET器件研制
Development of 1200V High Capacity SiC MOSFET Devices


刘新宇 1 *   李诚瞻 2,3   罗烨辉 2,3   陈宏 1   高秀秀 2,3   白云 1 *  
文摘 采用平面栅MOSFET器件结构,结合优化终端场限环设计、栅极bus-bar设计、JFET注入设计以及栅氧工艺技术,基于自主碳化硅工艺加工平台,研制了1200V大容量SiC MOSFET器件.测试结果表明,器件栅极击穿电压大于55V,并且实现了较低的栅氧界面态密度.室温下,器件阈值电压为2. 7V,单芯片电流输出能力达到50A,器件最大击穿电压达到1600V.在175℃下,器件阈值电压漂移量小于0. 8V;栅极偏置20V下,泄漏电流小于45nA.研制器件显示出优良的电学特性,具备高温大电流SiC芯片领域的应用潜力.
其他语种文摘 Based on CRRC silicon carbide (SiC) process technology platform, 1200V high capacity SiC metal-oxide semiconductor field-effect transistor (MOSFET) device has been fabricated by adopting ion-implanted JFET region, the optimal termination design,g ate bus-bar design and gate oxidation process. The fabricated SiC MOSFET is based on a planar gate structure. The test results show that the gate breakdown voltage of the device is above 55V and it achieves a relatively lower interface state density. At room temperature, the threshold voltage of the device is 2. 7V. The maximum blocking voltage and the output current capability of fabricated SiC MOSFET is up to 1600V and 50A, respectively. At 175℃, the threshold voltage shift is less than 0. 8V,and the gate leakage current of the device is less than 45nA when the gate voltage is 20V. All of the results show that the fabricated SiC MOSFET has superior electrical characteristics. It occupies a potential in high temperature and high power applications.
来源 电子学报 ,2020,48(12):2313-2318 【核心库】
DOI 10.3969/j.issn.0372-2112.2020.12.004
关键词 碳化硅 ; MOSFET ; 栅极bus-bar ; JFET注入 ; 大容量器件 ; 低漏电 ; 高温半导体

1. 中国科学院微电子研究所, 北京, 100029  

2. 新型功率半导体器件国家重点实验室, 新型功率半导体器件国家重点实验室, 湖南, 株洲, 412001  

3. 株洲中车时代半导体有限公司, 湖南, 株洲, 412001

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 0372-2112
学科 电子技术、通信技术
基金 国家973计划
文献收藏号 CSCD:6881593

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