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Spatial relationship between the Yadu-Mangdong fault and lead-zinc mineralization in the Shuichaobao-Baimachang area, northwestern Guizhou, China


曾道国 1   蔡国盛 1 *   杜蔺 1   叶霖 2  
文摘 黔西北是贵州省重要铅锌资源基地,近年找矿取得重大突破,首次在贵州发现超大型铅锌矿床。水潮堡—白马厂地区是黔西北代表性铅锌成矿带,该区铅锌矿床(点)地质特征综合对比结果表明,区内铅锌矿床(点)具有相似的地质特征,其矿物组合简单,具低温矿物组合特征,主要金属矿物以闪锌矿为主,含少量方铅矿及黄铁矿,成矿元素以Zn为主,围岩蚀变较弱。垭都-蟒洞逆冲断层是该区最重要控矿构造,区内铅锌矿床(点)沿该断裂带成群成带展布,铅锌矿体主要产于该断层下盘及其破碎带内,矿体与该断层垂距0~200 m范围是最有利赋矿空间,断层产状由陡变缓、破碎带由窄变宽、次级断层和褶皱发育地段是铅锌富集重要地段。综合近年找矿勘查成果,本研究认为垭都—蟒洞断裂带尚有较大找矿空间,现有矿床(点)深部与边部垭都—蟒洞断层下盘400 m范围内应是今后铅锌地质勘探重点区域,虽然栖霞-茅口组碳酸岩地层是区内铅锌重要赋矿层位,但多层位赋矿特征在今后地质勘探中不应忽视。此外,研究区南东部的亮岩-窝绷地段与猪拱塘超大型矿床的成矿地质条件相似,找矿潜力大,是有望新发现中-大型铅锌矿床的靶区。
其他语种文摘 The northwestern Guizhou is an important base of lead and zinc resources in Guizhou Province. In recent years, an important breakthrough for prospecting mineral resources in the area have been achieved. Especially, the first supper-large sized Pb-Zn deposit (Zhugongtang) in Guizhou Province was found. The Shuichaobao-Baimachang area is a typical representative of Pb-Zn metallogenic belts in the northwestern Guizhou. The comprehensively comparative study of geological characteristics of Pb-Zn deposits show that those Pb-Zn deposits have similar geological features, such as a simple assemblage characterized with low temperature minerals, the ore minerals of major sphalerite with minor galena and pyrite, mainly the Zn mineralization, and the weak wall rock alteration. It is believed that the Yadu-Mangdong thrust fault is the most important ore- controlling structure in the area, as different sized deposits are distributed along the fault zone in groups, and their Pb-Zn orebodies are mainly hosted in the fault and its footwall in which orebodies are favorably hosted in the space about 0-200 m to the fault, especially the locations where the dipping angle of the fault zone was changed from steep to flat, and width of the fault zone was changed from narrow to wide, and the secondary faults and folds was strongly developed. With the summary of geological mineral exploration results in recent years, it is believed that there is a good potential for further prospecting Pb-Zn resources in the Yadu-Mangdong fracture zone. It is suggested the geological exploration should focus on spaces where are in footwall of the Yadu-Mangdong thrust fault within distances of 0-400 m away from the fault and in the depth surrounding areas of the known orebodies of deposits. Although carbonates of the Permian qixia and Maokou formations are important ore-hosting strata in the area, characteristics of the ore hosted in multi-layers of strata should not be ignored in future geological exploration of Pb-Zn resources in the area. Furthermore, geological features of the Liangyan-Wopeng block of the study area are similar to those of the Zhugongtan super-large deposit, showing that due to the good potential for prospecting Pb-Zn resources, it could be a favorable prospecting target for discovering possible medium-large scale Pb-Zn deposit.
来源 矿物学报 ,2020,40(4):475-482 【核心库】
DOI 10.16461/j.cnki.1000-4734.2020.40.024
关键词 铅锌矿床 ; 垭都—蟒洞断层 ; 空间关系 ; 找矿方向 ; 黔西北地区

1. 贵州省有色金属和核工业地质勘查局地质矿产勘查院, 贵州, 贵阳, 550005  

2. 中国科学院地球化学研究所, 贵州, 贵阳, 550081

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 1000-4734
学科 地质学
基金 国家自然科学基金项目
文献收藏号 CSCD:6778288

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