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Radionuclide Dispersion Model for Accident Condition of Spent Fuel Highway Transport


陈黎伟 1,2,3   陶龙龙 1,2   周百昌 4   汪进 1,3 *   龙鹏程 1,3   王芳 1,3  
文摘 乏燃料容器在运输过程中会受到不可抗力因素的影响而导致燃料组件和运输容器受损,放射性核素逐渐从燃料组件到运输容器内腔再泄漏到外部环境。本文选取大亚湾乏燃料干式贮存库到甘肃四○四厂乏燃料后处理厂之间的道路运输场景作为研究案例,考虑了有无树木、建筑壁面及不同泄漏源高度等情况,引入放射性衰变因子、动量源损失因子,提出一种基于计算流体力学(CFD)方法的乏燃料公路运输事故条件下放射性核素弥散模型。该模型对示踪气体在空街峡谷建筑壁面的浓度模拟结果与Jeanjean APR等人的模拟结果吻合较好,从而初步验证了模型的正确性。计算结果表明,修正后的模型能较好地描述乏燃料公路运输事故条件下的放射性核素的分布,并发现建筑物之间的树木会对湍流漩涡有减弱作用,且泄漏源与树木、建筑物的相对高度对后果评价影响较大,从而为核事故后处理提供更准确的信息。
其他语种文摘 Spent fuel vessel would be affected by force majeure factors during the transport,which leads to damage of the spent fuel assemblies and containers,and it will cause that radionuclides leak from assemblies to vessel to the external environment grad-ually.In this work,the highway transport scenario,from spent fuel dry storage in Daya Bay to 404spent fuel reprocessing plant in Gansu,was chosen as the simulation case.Consideration of the presence or absence of trees,building walls and the different height for leakage location,a radionuclide dispersion model was proposed by adding the decay term and the momentum source loss term based on computational fluid dynamics(CFD)method under the highway spent fuel transport accidents.The trace gas simulation on the building wall of the canyon by the proposed model presented a good agreement with the Jeanjean APR et al's simulation results,which validated the correctness of this model.The simulation revealed that the radionuclides distribution could be described by the proposed model under the spent fuel highway transport accidents.In addition,the results showed that the trees could weaken the turbulent eddy,and the relative height of leakage sources,trees and buildings had a greater impact on the consequence evaluation,so as to provide more actual information for the post-processing of nuclear accidents.
来源 核科学与工程 ,2020,40(2):233-243 【核心库】
关键词 乏燃料 ; 公路运输 ; 放射性核素弥散 ; 计算流体力学

1. 中国科学院核能安全技术研究所, 中国科学院中子输运理论与辐射安全重点实验室, 安徽, 合肥, 230031  

2. 中国科学技术大学, 安徽, 合肥, 230027  

3. 安徽省核应急专业技术支持中心, 安徽, 合肥, 230031  

4. 中国人民解放军96901部队23分队, 北京, 100095

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 0258-0918
学科 原子能技术;自动化技术、计算机技术
文献收藏号 CSCD:6743514

参考文献 共 29 共2页

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