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Research progress of atomisation and forming technology of high performance metallic materials


张国庆   刘娜   李周 *  
文摘 本文综述北京航空材料研究院在高温合金气体雾化粉末、喷射成形高温合金、粉末冶金TiAl合金以及喷射成形高速钢等高性能金属材料雾化与成形技术研究领域的主要研究成果。北京航空材料研究院开发了高温合金粉末氩气雾化和负压雾化制备技术和装置,突破粉末氧含量、粒度和非金属夹杂物控制等技术瓶颈,制备出多种高纯、细颗粒、球状高品质的高温合金粉末,已用于先进航空发动机涡轮盘等核心热端部件的研制和生产;发展难变形合金喷射成形技术,解决雾化沉积、致密度控制、形状控制、热加工等关键技术难题,研制的高温合金和高速钢沉积坯致密度达到99.0%以上,开发出低成本高性能喷射成形高温合金和高速钢材料;通过氩气雾化TiAl合金粉末制备及热成形技术研究,获得了高纯低氧球形气雾化粉末和高性能粉末冶金板材。
其他语种文摘 The research and development in liquid metal atomisation and forming technologies of high performance metallic materials with the emphases on gas atomised superalloy powders, spray formed superalloys, powder metallurgy TiAl alloys and spray formed high-speed steels at Beijing Institute of Aeronautical Materials are reviewed.The technology and equipment of argon atomisation and minus atmospheric pressure atomisation(i.e.atomisation in sub-atmospheric pressure atomising assembly) of superalloy powders were established.Major factors contributing to powder oxygen content, particle size and non-metallic inclusions have been identified.A variety of high-purity, fine-grained and high-quality spherical powders of superalloys were produced, which have been utilised in the research and production of hot section components, such as turbine disks in advanced aero-engines.Spray forming technologies of highly-alloyed materials were investigated and developed while taking the key technical issues for making sound performs into process consideration, such as formation and deposition of droplets, densification and shape control, and hot working of preforms.The relative densities of as-deposited performs of superalloys and high-speed steels could be higher than 99.0% after the optimisation of process parameters.Low cost and high performance spray formed superalloys and high-speed steels were developed.Spherical powders of TiAl alloys with high purity and low oxygen content were obtained using the argon atomization techniques, and high performance sheets were subsequently deformed.
来源 航空材料学报 ,2020,40(3):95-109 【核心库】
DOI 10.11868/j.issn.1005-5053.2020.000093
关键词 氩气雾化 ; 喷射成形 ; 高温合金 ; TiAl合金 ; 高速钢

中国航发北京航空材料研究院, 先进高温结构材料国防科技重点实验室, 北京, 100095

语种 中文
文献类型 综述型
ISSN 1005-5053
学科 金属学与金属工艺
文献收藏号 CSCD:6741255

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引证文献 4

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2 张轶波 热处理温度对刚玉基耐火材料组织和微粒脱落的影响 材料工程,2022,50(6):138-148
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