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Recent development in Titanium alloys with high strength and high elasticity


文摘 钛及钛合金是航空、航天和国防武器装备等领域重要的轻质结构材料。钛合金较低的弹性模量赋予其优良的弹性功能特性,被应用于航空航天等领域的紧固件和弹簧等元器件。目前常用的高强钛合金弹性模量较高,不能完全满足应用需求,强度和弹性性能匹配有待进一步提高。本文综述了高强度高弹性钛合金的发展现状以及新型合金的研发进展,从高强度高弹性钛合金的特点及存在的问题出发,提出基于电子理论的成分设计和β基体结构稳定性的组织调控方法,并简要介绍本课题组基于该方法进行的高强度高弹性钛合金的研究进展,最后展望了高强度高弹性钛合金的发展方向。
其他语种文摘 Titanium and titanium alloys are important lightweight structural materials in the fields of aviation, aerospace and defense weapons.The low elastic modulus of Ti alloy gives it excellent elastic function, and it is applied to fasteners, springs and other elastic components in aviation, aerospace and other industries.The currently used high-strength Ti alloys exhibit high Young 's modulus that can not fully meet the application requirements.The balance between high strength and high elastic property of conventional Ti alloys needs to be further improved.This paper reviews the current research and development of high strength and high elasticity Ti alloys.Based on the comprehensive understanding of high strength and high elasticity Ti alloys and the existing problems, the composition design method based on electronic theories and the structure design strategy based on phase stability of β-matrix of Ti alloys with high strength and high elasticity is proposed in this paper.The research progress of novel Ti alloys with high strength and high elasticity based on the proposed alloy design strategy is also briefly presented.Finally,the future research direction of Ti alloys with high strength and high elasticity is prospected.
来源 航空材料学报 ,2020,40(3):11-24 【核心库】
DOI 10.11868/j.issn.1005-5053.2020.000085
关键词 钛合金 ; 强度 ; 弹性 ; 成分设计 ; 组织调控

北京航空航天大学材料科学与工程学院, 北京, 100191

语种 中文
文献类型 综述型
ISSN 1005-5053
学科 金属学与金属工艺
基金 国家自然科学基金项目
文献收藏号 CSCD:6741250

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2 王圣元 固溶温度对Ti-4Al-6Mo-2V-5Cr-2Zr钛合金的组织和拉伸性能的影响 材料研究学报,2022,36(12):893-899
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