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The "jungle",history,and approach road of the grounded theory


贾旭东 1   衡量 1,2 *  
文摘 改革开放40年来,中国经济的发展令世人瞩目,也积累了大量的企业管理实践经验,以何种方法论对这些特色实践进行理论总结是管理学者必须思考的问题。扎根理论是得到国际学术界广泛认可的优秀方法论,但其经过多年发展已经形成学派的“丛林”,使初学者望而却步。本文在充分回顾国内外有关扎根理论的代表性研究基础上,梳理了扎根理论发展的脉络及不同学派,对最具代表性的经典扎根理论、程序化扎根理论、建构型扎根理论的数据编码流程进行了比较,基于定性与定量研究思想的视角梳理了其演化过程与路径。本文认为,“扎根精神”是扎根理论不同学派共同的学术精神,在秉持“扎根精神”的基础上交流融合是扎根理论未来的发展方向。基于“中国管理扎根研究范式”及已有研究基础,拟提出“扎根方法论(Zhagen Methodology)”,为推动中国本土管理研究、构建中国管理学派做出贡献。
其他语种文摘 After 40 years exploration of reform and opening up,Chinese enterprises have accumulated a large number of management experiences.This process provides a large number of excellent materials to management research,but need to be refined and induced by academics.So,contemporary management scholars should shoulder the important mission to construct new theories from those practices with Chinese characteristics to promote the development of management.There are two things need to be done.Firstly,if Chinese industry's management innovation practice can be turned into certain universal theory,more enterprises all over the world can learn from it.Secondly,it will make a dialogue between these theories and western management theories,make contributions to the development of management research.These theories should conform to Chinese conditions,contain Chinese characteristics,and show Chinese style.Therefore,how to construct theories that not only conform to academic norms but also originated from practice is become a hot topic in academic circle and industry.Grounded Theory is an important methodology for constructing theories in the field of sociology.And,it has been increasingly recognized and accepted by the academic circle.Therefore,it is extremely urgent and necessary to comprehensively sort out the formation and mechanism of various schools and look into the distance of Grounded Theory,it will provide directions for the future Grounded Theory research and promote the development of the Grounded Theory itself.In abroad,Grounded Theory is mainly composed of three schools,including Classical Grounded Theory represented by Glaser,Proceduralised Grounded Theory represented by Strauss,and The Constructivist's Approach to Grounded Theory represented by Charmaz.In China,since the end of 20th century,Grounded Theory was introduced into the sociology research field,Chinese scholars has paid more and more attention to Grounded Theory.Some scholars pointed out that the Zhagen Spirit (Zhagen is a transliteration from a Chinese word,means that research should take root in the real world) is the core spirit of all the Grounded Theory schools.Some scholars adhere to the Zhagen Spirit,follow the thought of The Constructivist's Approach to Grounded Theory,give priority to the data processing framework of Classical Grounded Theory,assisted with Proceduralised Grounded Theory's causation stylized structure,combine with cognitive map tool,and finally exploratory put forward the "Grounded Research Paradigm of Chinese Management".Grounded Theory's " jungle" is formed on the basis of the development of domestic and foreign schools.The differences of the epistemology of the three main schools of Grounded Theory are reflected in the differences of their methodology.
来源 科研管理 ,2020,41(5):151-163 【核心库】
DOI 10.19571/j.cnki.1000-2995.2020.05.016
关键词 扎根理论 ; 扎根精神 ; 中国管理扎根研究范式 ; 扎根方法论

1. 兰州大学管理学院, 甘肃, 兰州, 730000  

2. 清华大学经济管理学院, 北京, 100084

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 1000-2995
学科 社会科学总论
基金 国家自然科学基金项目 ;  国家自然科学基金项目
文献收藏号 CSCD:6723478

参考文献 共 36 共2页

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