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The semiotic mechanism of cultural landscape genes of traditional settlements


胡最 1,2,3   邓运员 1 *   刘沛林 4   彭惠军 1  
文摘 传统聚落文化景观基因是解读传统聚落景观蕴含的深层次地学特征的重要切入点。然而该理论目前尚未从符号学的视角探索文化景观基因的符号机制。对此,本文首先从符号哲学的视角系统地分析了文化景观基因的特征:①文化景观基因是宏观的聚落意象与微观的细节特征、物质外观表征与内在文化寓意、整体性特征与局部自我更新、定性与定量分析方法、优势性与内涵丰富性的辩证统一;②文化景观基因有着多样的形态特征和复杂的空间结构,具有非线性、自组织和自迭代的重要特征。其次,论文探索了文化景观基因符号机制的概念,论述了文化景观基因的符号特征、分类和相应的表达方法,明确了构建文化景观基因符号的理论依据。最后,运用VC#.net程序语言开发了文化景观基因符号库原型程序,并给出了相应的实例。本文研究工作表明,开展文化景观基因符号机制的探索,对于完善传统聚落文化景观基因理论,促进文化景观基因资源的数字化等深化应用,具有重要的意义。
其他语种文摘 The concept of cultural landscape genes of traditional settlements (CLGTS) was proposed by Chinese scholars in 2003. Since then, CLGTS has been playing a key role in capturing the deep-level geographic features of traditional settlements. However, there is a lack of work on covering CLGTS from the perspective of semiotics. Now, people are often involved in difficulties when they are trying to explore the nature of cultural landscapes of traditional settlements through using CLGTS. Obviously, it is of great significance to explore the concepts and methods of semiotic mechanism of CLGTS under the support of semiology. To lock this issue, we outline the dialectical features of CLGTS through the following five aspects. (1) For a given traditional settlement, its whole image at the macro- scale is in accordance with its cultural landscape genes at the micro- scale. (2) For the cultural landscape gene of a given traditional settlement, its core characterizations are in accordance with its appearance features. (3) For a given traditional settlement, its self- updating mechanism at local scale is in accordance with its global characterizations. (4) CLGTS can be treated as the scientific analysis method merged with the quantitative and qualitative approaches for dissecting the cultural features of traditional settlements. (5) For a given traditional settlement, its outstanding features of cultural landscape are in accordance with its rich cultural connotation. Then, this work proves the diversity of forms and complexity of spatial structures of CLGTS through ample examples. To some extent, this reveals the nonlinearity, self- organization, as well as selfiteration features of CLGTS. Based on the above, this research presents a conceptual framework of semiotic mechanism of CLGTS. Within the framework, we further summarize the symbols' main features, classifications, and expression ways of CLGTS. Through this work, we make clear the requisite theoretical conditions of making symbols of CLGTS by employing GIS. Ultimately, based on the aforementioned conceptual framework, this paper develops a prototype program for making symbols of CLGTS. The test results of the prototype program with a case of ancient village of Hunan Province show that it can run well in serving to establish a symbol database of CLGTS for a given region. Hence, this research proves that semiotic mechanism of CLGTS will make sense of perfecting the theory of CLGTS and forwarding its digital protection.
来源 地理学报 ,2020,75(4):789-803 【核心库】
DOI 10.11821/dlxb202004009
关键词 传统聚落文化景观基因 ; 特征 ; 符号机制 ; 符号库 ; 数字化

1. 衡阳师范学院城市与旅游学院, 衡阳, 421002  

2. 中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所, 北京, 100101  

3. 湖南省智能信息处理重点实验室, 湖南省智能信息处理重点实验室, 衡阳, 421002  

4. 长沙学院经济与管理学院暨乡村振兴研究院, 长沙, 410022

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 0375-5444
学科 自然地理学
基金 国家自然科学基金项目 ;  国家社会科学基金重大项目 ;  湖南省教育厅项目 ;  湖南省社会科学基金 ;  衡阳师范学院基金项目
文献收藏号 CSCD:6716299

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