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Response of Runoff to Climate and Human Activities in Tongzi River Basin


田义超 1,2,3,4   王世杰 2   白晓永 2 *   张强 1   陶进 1   张亚丽 1   梁铭忠 4   周国清 5   劳燕玲 1  
文摘 径流量变化受到气候变化和人类活动两大因素共同驱动,定量剖析气候变化和人类活动对其影响成为变化环境下水文循环研究的核心科学问题。以桐梓河流域为研究对象,基于二郎坝水文站1975—2015年长时间序列的水文和气象监测数据,通过累积距平和滑动T检验分析方法诊断了流域径流量的突变特征,并应用累积量斜率变化率比较法定量评估了流域气候变化和人类活动对径流量变化的贡献率。结果表明:(1)流域多年径流量和降水量均呈现出减少趋势,减少的速率分别为0.05亿m~3/a和-3.10mm/a。(2)流域多年径流量的突变年份为2003年,其中1975—2003年为丰水年(多年平均径流量为15.26亿m~3),而2003—2015年为枯水年(多年平均径流量为12.44亿m~3),突变年份后径流量较突变年份前减少了18.48%。(3)径流量与降水量通过95%的红噪声验证的共振周期为0.8~2.8年以及3.8~6.5年,流域径流对降水的变化具有一定的滞后作用,滞后作用的时间尺度为1~2年。(5)以1975—2003年为基准期,降水量和人类活动对桐梓河流域径流量的贡献在TB(2004年,2015年)时期分别达到43.42%和56.58%;如果考虑蒸发量对桐梓河流域径流量的影响,则人类活动对桐梓河流域径流量变化的贡献率在TB时期会增加到86.83%。该项研究可为定量化评估喀斯特典型流域气候变化和人类活动对径流量的贡献率提供方法上的借鉴。
其他语种文摘 Runoff change is driven by climate change and human activities.Quantitative analysis of the impacts of climate change and human activities on runoff change has become a core scientific issue in the study of hydrological cycle under changing environment.Based on the long time series hydrological and meteorological monitoring data of Erlangba Hydrological Station from 1975to 2015,the catastrophic characteristics of runoff in Tongzi River Basin were diagnosed by the method of cumulative anomaly and sliding T test,and the contribution rate of climate change and human activities to runoff change was quantitatively evaluated by the method of cumulative slope change rate comparison.The results indicated that:(1)the annual runoff and precipitation in the region showed a decreasing trend,and the decreasing rates were 0.05billion m~3/year and-3.10mm/year,respectively;(2)the abrupt change year of multi-year runoff was the year of 2003,years of abundant water covered the period from 1975to 2003(the average annual runoff was 1.526billion m~3),and the years of scarce water covered the period from 2003to 2015(the average annual runoff was 1.244billion m~3),the runoff decreased by 18.48%after mutation year compared with that before mutation year;(3)there was no significant decrease in the annual runoff in the basin over the years;the cycle period of runoff in autumn was 24-year,that of spring was 7-year,and that of winter and summer did not exist;(4)the resonance periods of runoff and precipitation verified by 95%red noise were 0.8~2.8-year and 3.8~6.5-year;runoff in the river basin had a certain lag effect on precipitation change,and the lag time scale was between 1~2years;(5)based on the period from 1975to 2003,the contribution of precipitation and human activities to the runoff of Tongzi River Basin reached up to 43.42% and 56.58%,respectively,in the period of TB from 2004to 2015;if the influence of evaporation on the runoff of tongzi river basin is taken into account,the contribution of human activities to the change of runoff of Tongzi Rver Basin will increase to 86.83%in the period of TB.This study can provide a method reference for the quantitative assessment of the contribution rate of climate change and human activities to runoff in the typical Karst basin.
来源 水土保持研究 ,2020,27(3):76-82 【扩展库】
关键词 径流 ; 气候变化 ; 人类活动 ; 响应与贡献率 ; 桐梓河流域

1. 北部湾大学资源与环境学院, 广西, 钦州, 535000  

2. 中国科学院地球化学研究所, 环境地球化学国家重点实验室, 贵阳, 550081  

3. 钦州市海洋地理信息资源开发利用重点实验室, 钦州市海洋地理信息资源开发利用重点实验室, 广西, 钦州, 535000  

4. 北部湾大学, 广西北部湾海洋生物多样性养护重点实验室, 广西, 钦州, 535000  

5. 桂林理工大学, 广西空间信息与测绘重点实验室, 广西, 桂林, 541004

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 1005-3409
学科 地球物理学
基金 国家重点研发计划 ;  广西自然科学基金联合资助培育项目 ;  广西教育厅项目 ;  广西创新驱动发展专项 ;  广西本科高校特色专业及试验实训教学基地建设项目
文献收藏号 CSCD:6713099

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3. 黑河流域莺落峡及正义峡长时间序列逐旬径流数据(1994-2010)


1. 1960-2014年北京极端气温重建数据集

2. 基准期(1986-2005)和升温1.5℃(2020-2039)情景下中国干旱人口暴露度数据集

3. 基准期(1986-2005)与升温1.5℃(2020-2039)情景下中国干旱频率与持续时间数据集

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白晓永 0000-0001-9705-5574
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