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Microstructure Evolution of Organic Matter and Clay Minerals in Shales with Increasing Thermal Maturity


Gu Yuantao 1,2   Li Xiaoxia 1   Yang Shuguang 2   Wan Quan 2 *  
文摘 As the two important components of shale, organic matter (OM) and clay minerals are usually thought to strongly influence the hydrocarbon generation, enrichment and exploitation. The evolution process of OM and clay minerals as well as their interrelationship over a wide range of thermal maturities are not completely clear. Taking Yanchang (T3y), Longmaxi (S1l) and Niutitang (Є1n) shales as examples, we have studied the microstructure characteristics of OM and clay minerals in shales with different thermal maturities. The effects of clay minerals and OM on pores were reinforced through sedimentation experiments. Using a combination of field emission scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM) and low-pressure N_2 adsorption, we investigated the microstructure differences among the three shales. The results showed that both OM and clay minerals have strong effects on pores, and small mesopore (2–20 nm) is the dominant pore component for all three samples. However, the differences between the three samples are embodied in the distribution of pore size and the location. For the T3y shale, clay minerals are loosely arranged and develop large amounts of pores, and fine OM grains often fill in intergranular minerals or fractures. Widespread OM pores distribute irregularly in S1l shale, and most of the pores are elliptical and nondirectional. The Є1n shale is characterized by the preferred orientational OM-clay aggregates, and lots of pores in the composites are in the mesopore range, suggesting that over maturity lead to the collapse and compaction of pores under huge pressure of strata. The results of the current research imply that with increasing thermal maturity, OM pores are absent at low maturity (T3y), are maximized at high maturity (S1l) and are destroyed or compacted at over-mature stage (Є1n). Meanwhile, clay minerals have gone through mineral transformation and orientational evolution. The interaction of the two processes makes a significant difference to the microstructure evolution of OM and clay minerals in shale, and the findings provide scientific foundation in better understanding diagenetic evolution and hydrocarbon generation of shale.
来源 Acta Geologica Sinica ,2020,94(2):280-289 【核心库】
DOI 10.1111/1755-6724.14285
关键词 organic matter ; clay minerals ; OM-clay composites ; microstructure evolution ; thermal maturity

1. School of Resource and Environment, Henan University of Engineering, Zhengzhou, 451191  

2. Institute of Geochemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, State Key Laboratory of Ore Deposit Geochemistry, Guiyang, 550081

语种 英文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 1000-9515
学科 地质学
基金 supported by the Chinese Academy of Sciences (“Hundred Talents Program”) ;  国家自然科学基金
文献收藏号 CSCD:6693941

参考文献 共 47 共3页

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