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Study of the Electrode Length of Cantilever on Electrical Characteristics of Piezoelectric Energy Harvesting


文摘 悬臂梁电极长度是影响压电振动俘能特性的重要因素之一.提出了用能量分布函数描述在振动俘能过程中电场能量与电极占比的关系,并探究了电极占比对电气输出特性影响的本质.指出矩形和三角形悬臂梁获得最大功率的最优电极占比在50% ~ 60%之间,在俘能过程中存在电荷的重新分配,且存在能量损失,在最优电极处能量损失最低,全电极时能量损失较大.仿真和实验结果均表明矩形和三角形悬臂梁的最优电极占比与能量分布函数得到的最优值相吻合,优化电极提高输出功率是可行的.
其他语种文摘 The length of the cantilever beam electrode is one of the important factors affecting the characteristics of piezoelectric vibration energy harvesting.The energy distribution function was proposed to describe the relationship between electric field energy and electrode ratio during the vibration energy harvesting,and the nature of the effect of electrode ratio on electrical characteristics was also explored.It is pointed out that the optimal electrode ratio of the rectangular and triangular cantilever beams to obtain the maximum power is between 50% ~ 60%.In addition,the charge is redistributed with energy loss during vibration energy harvesting,and the energy loss is lowest at the optimal electrode and greater when the electrode ratio reaches 100%.Both the simulation and experiment results show that the optimal electrode ratio of the rectangular and triangular cantilever beams is in accordance with the optimal value obtained by the energy distribution function,and it is feasible to increase the output power by optimizing the electrode-length.
来源 电子学报 ,2019,47(11):2256-2262 【核心库】
DOI 10.3969/j.issn.0372-2112.2019.11.003
关键词 压电悬臂梁 ; 能量收集 ; 电极长度 ; 电气特性

大连理工大学电气工程学院, 辽宁, 大连, 116023

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 0372-2112
学科 电子技术、通信技术
基金 国家自然科学基金 ;  辽宁省自然科学基金
文献收藏号 CSCD:6668681

参考文献 共 19 共1页

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