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Geographical thinking on the relationship between beautiful China and land spatial planning


陈明星 1,2   梁龙武 1,2   王振波 1,2   张文忠 1,2   余建辉 1,2   梁宜 3  
文摘 美丽中国是社会主义新时代生态文明建设的新目标愿景,满足人民群众对美好生活向往的现实需求。国土空间规划是国家统筹涉及空间各类规划的重大部署。美丽中国是国家第二个一百年发展新的引领目标,其内涵不仅是“生态美丽”,也是“经济-政治-文化-社会-生态”综合的大美丽,美丽中国建设要因地制宜构建差异化的评估指标体系。美丽中国和国土空间规划有着密切联系,美丽中国为国土空间规划指引了重要方向,国土空间规划则为美丽中国建设提供了重要途径和空间保障。国土空间规划编制需要加强人地关系地域系统、点-轴系统、主体功能区划、可持续发展与资源环境承载力、新型城镇化、乡村地域多体系统等深入探讨。本文提出了地理学视角下国土空间规划编制的思路框架,科学分析国土空间的自然地理条件、经济社会发展基础、国土空间相互联系,结合美丽中国目标,谋划国土空间的目标、愿景与路径,鼓励公众参与与开展动态评估,构建智能系统平台等,为国土空间规划编制实施提供思路借鉴。
其他语种文摘 Beautiful China is the new goal of ecological civilization construction in the new era of socialism, which can meet the real needs of the people for a better life. National land space planning is a major deployment of the state to coordinate various types of space planning. Beautiful China is the new leading goal of the country's second centenary development. Its connotation is not only "ecological beauty", but also the comprehensive beauty of "economypolitics- culture- society- ecology". The construction of beautiful China needs a differentiated evaluation index system based on the local conditions. Beautiful China is closely related to the land spatial planning. The former provides an important direction for the latter, while the latter provides an important approach and space guarantee for the construction of the former. The establishment of land spatial planning needs to strengthen the further discussion of the regional system of human- environment interaction, point- axis system, the main functional area planning, sustainable development and resource environmental carrying capacity, new urbanization and rural regional multi- body system. This paper puts forward the thinking framework of land spatial planning from the perspective of geography, including scientifically analyzing the natural geographical conditions, economic and social development basis, and the interrelationship between land and space, planing the goal, vision and path of land and space,encouraging the public to participate in and carry out dynamic evaluation, and building an intelligent system platform for land and spatial planning with the goal of beautiful China,which provide ideas for the compilation and implementation of land spatial planning.
来源 地理学报 ,2019,74(12):2467-2481 【核心库】
DOI 10.11821/dlxb201912004
关键词 美丽中国 ; 国土空间规划 ; 生态文明 ; 空间治理现代化 ; 地理科学

1. 中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所, 中国科学院可持续发展分析与模拟重点实验室, 北京, 100101  

2. 中国科学院大学资源与环境学院, 北京, 100049  

3. 自然资源部土地整治中心, 北京, 100035

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 0375-5444
学科 社会科学总论;建筑科学
基金 国家自然科学基金项目 ;  中国科学院战略性A类先导专项
文献收藏号 CSCD:6628445

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