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The experimental investigation on full-scale dynamic separation for an inlet shroud


朱国祥 1   王磊 1 *   苑朝凯 2   王春 2  
文摘 进气道整流罩可以有效避免低马赫数飞行条件下进气道不起动的问题,在高速飞行器中得到广泛使用。整流罩分离过程直接关系到飞行器安全,在地面进行全尺度整流罩分离过程试验验证非常必要。利用JF-12激波风洞设备结构简单、尺度大和动压较高的优势,推导了适用于高速动态分离试验的相似准则,发展了高速分离轨迹观测技术、精确时序控制技术以及必要的风洞防护措施,建立了基于JF-12激波风洞的高速动态全尺度分离试验技术。利用该技术,针对配有进气道整流罩的飞行器前体,以50kPa动压试验条件实现了高动压(100kPa)条件下的动态分离轨迹模拟。
其他语种文摘 The inlet shroud is widely used in high-speed vehicles since it can avoid unstart phenomenon under the low Mach number flight condition. As the separation process directly determines the safety of the flight vehicle, it is necessary to testify the separation process in the ground testing. In this paper,the advantage of the JF-12 shock wind tunnel is utilized fully to develop the high-speed separation testing technique. The similarity criterion which is suitable for the high-speed separation is deduced for three testing purposes. The observation and identification methods are developed for the high speed separation trace. A set of the high-precision sequence control system is built. Some protection measures are adopted to avoid the risk from the high speed shroud. Using these techniques,a typical 2-dimensional forebody/inlet with the shroud was used for the separation testing in JF-12. The separation trace under the freestream condition of dynamic pressure 100 kPa is obtained successfully by the testing freestream of dynamic pressure 50kPa.
来源 实验流体力学 ,2019,33(4):45-51 【核心库】
DOI 10.11729/syltlx20180176
关键词 动态分离 ; 进气道整流罩 ; 相似准则 ; 激波风洞 ; 分离轨迹观测

1. 北京空天技术研究所, 北京, 100074  

2. 中国科学院力学研究所, 高温气体动力学国家重点实验室, 北京, 100190

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 1672-9897
学科 航空
文献收藏号 CSCD:6588698

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CSCD被引 0 次


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