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Spatial differentiation and mechanisms of typical rural areas in the suburbs of a metropolis:A case study of Beicun Village,Baiyun District,Guangzhou


文摘 全球生产方式变革和社会制度改革加速了城市化进程,城乡要素流动加快了城郊乡村空间分化,以空间生产和博弈论为理论基础,针对广州市城郊北村的空间分化过程及机制进行解析,以期丰富乡村空间分化和治理的理论。结果表明:①20世纪80年代以来,北村的发展经历了农业发展、工业发展和服务业发展等3个阶段,业态结构从单一的农业逐渐转向为多元,兼有农业去中心化向农村社区化发展转变过程。②伴随村域经济发展转型,北村土地利用类型和结构趋向多元分化,各类用地空间关系变得更加复杂化,呈现出商住混合和工商混合的用地新特征,空间上逐渐形成“公共服务设施一传统居住区和现代居住区-商业区-农业区和工业区”的圈层式布局模式。③乡村物质空间的多元分化动力主要源于新产业介入和主导产业的更替转变。内生的土地流转方式和外生的城市资本共同推动乡村工业化进程,市场力推动了产业发展向服务业转型。④乡村工业化驱动了村社组织对历史建筑功能的置换,改变了乡村以宗族血缘和地缘为主的社会关系,产生了由外来务工人员和城市低收入阶层组成的业缘关系,乡村社会关系逐渐多元化。⑤城郊乡村空间多元分化遵循着资本和土地利益博弈逻辑。本地村民、代耕农民、经济合作社、工业经营主体和服务业经营主体等行为主体对空间进行争夺和利益博弈,村社组织起着关键的中介作用.
其他语种文摘 The reforms of global production modes and social systems have accelerated the process of urbanization,and the urban-rural flow speeds up spatial differentiation in the rural suburbs.Based on spatial production theory and game theory,this paper analyzes the spatial differentiation and its influence mechanism in Beicun in the suburbs of Guangzhou.The results are as follows:(1) Since the 1980s,Beicun has experienced three stages:agricultural development,industrial development,and service industry development.The industry has changed from single to diversified,and the transformation from agricultural decentralization to rural community has been realized.(2) In the transformation of rural economic development,the land use type and structure of Beicun tended to be diversified,and the spatial relationship of various types of land use was complicated,emerging in new characteristics of land for mixed commercial and residential use,and mixed industrial and commercial use,gradually forming a circle- type spatial layout structure model of "public service facilities- traditional and modern residential areas-commercial areas-agricultural and industrial areas".(3)The diversification of the rural material space was mainly due to the intervention of new industries and the transformation of leading industries.Both endogenous land- transferring mechanisms and exogenous urban capital promoted the industrialization process,and market power promoted the transformation of manufacturing industry into a service industry.(4) The industrialization process promoted the functional replacement of historical buildings by village organizations;changed the social relationship of the village to the blood clan and made it more geographically oriented;and produced an occupational relationship between migrant workers and urban lowincome groups.(5) The multi-differentiation of suburban rural space followed the game logic of capital and land interests.The rural community played a key mediation role in the competition for space and in the game interests among local villagers,farmers,cooperative economy,industrial operators,and service owners.
来源 地理学报 ,2019,74(8):1622-1636 【核心库】
DOI 10.11821/dlxb201908010
关键词 乡村发展,空间分化 ; 空间生产 ; 博弈论 ; 乡村振兴 ; 北村

中山大学地理科学与规划学院, 广东省城市化与地理环境空间模拟重点实验室, 广州, 510275

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 0375-5444
学科 建筑科学
基金 国家自然科学基金项目 ;  广东省广州市科技计划项目
文献收藏号 CSCD:6553117

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