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Algebraic Fault Attack Against SIMECK Cipher Based on Optimized Fault Location


文摘 针对SIMECK密码,提出一种优化故障定位的代数故障攻击方法。通过分析SIMECK轮函数加密扩散缺陷及故障失效原因,提取故障确定性传播特征并构建确定性故障差分特性表,实现故障的精确定位。创建加密过程和故障信息等效方程组,将方程组转化为SAT问题并求解密钥。实验结果表明,该方法在SIMECK32/64第28轮左寄存器中注入随机单比特故障,仅需8次故障注入即可恢复完整64 bit主密钥,攻击成功率高达99.61%,相比已有故障攻击方法所需故障样本量更少,攻击成功率及创建方程自动化程度更高。
其他语种文摘 This paper proposes a algebraic fault attack method based on optimized fault location against SIMECK cipher. By analyzing encryption diffusion defect of the SIMECK round function and the failure cause,the deterministic propagation characteristics of faults are extracted,and the differential characteristic table of deterministic faults is constructed to achieve accurate fault location. It creates an equivalent equation set for the encryption process and fault information, and converts the equations into SAT problems and solve the key. Experimental results show that the method can inject a random single-bit fault into the left register in the 28th round of SIMECK32/64,and only need 8 fault injections to recover the complete 64 bit master key. The attack success rate is 99.61%. Compared with the existing fault attack method,the proposed method requires fewer fault samples and has a higher attack success rate, creation of equations more automated.
来源 计算机工程 ,2019,45(8):7-13,21 【扩展库】
DOI 10.19678/j.issn.1000-3428.0051747
关键词 SIMECK密码 ; 代数故障攻击 ; 故障失效 ; 轮函数缺陷 ; 故障模型 ; CryptoMiniSat解析器

陆军工程大学装备模拟训练中心, 石家庄, 050003

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 1000-3428
学科 自动化技术、计算机技术
基金 国家自然科学基金
文献收藏号 CSCD:6548825

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