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Evolution of turbulence in a wind turbine flow field with a neutral atmospheric boundary layer and an analysis of the blade root load


李德顺 1,2,3   郭涛 1   李伟 1   胡进森 1   李银然 1,2,3   李仁年 1,2,3 *   李晔 4 *   胡文瑞 5 *  
文摘 针对一台外场试验风电机组,采用大涡模拟(large eddy simulation, LES)耦合致动线模型的方法,构建了中性大气边界层和风力机风轮的气动耦合求解模型,模拟风力机在中性大气边界层中的流场.通过连续小波分析、频谱分析和相关性分析,研究了中性大气边界层中风力机前、后的湍流演化过程及其与叶根载荷的相关性.研究发现,自然来流从风轮前1D(D为风轮直径)处运动到后1D处时,大气中的湍流强度逐渐增大;在风轮平面处出现了较强的小尺度湍流结构,这些小尺度的湍流结构在向下游运动过程中不断耗散,并在风轮后1D处能量基本耗散殆尽;叶尖位置处的高频湍流出现频率约为1.82 Hz,此频率正好与叶片通过频率相对应.风力机的叶根挥舞载荷对大气中的湍流结构响应明显,低频湍流结构对叶根挥舞载荷的低频段影响显著,高频湍流结构对叶根挥舞载荷的高频段影响明显;叶尖高频湍流结构相对于叶根高频湍流结构,频率更高,能量更大,其对叶根挥舞载荷高频段的影响更为明显;同时,叶尖高频湍流与叶根挥舞载荷的高频部分表现出了一致的周期性变化规律.
其他语种文摘 In this study, a neutral atmospheric boundary layer and wind turbine blades were constructed in a large eddy simulation and actuator line model for conducting a field experiment of a wind turbine. Further, the flow field of the wind turbine was simulated in a neutral atmospheric boundary layer. The evolution of the turbulence in the front and back of the rotor with a neutral atmospheric boundary layer and its correlation with the load were studied by analyzing the continuous wavelets, the spectrum, and the correlation. The results indicate that the coherent structure of the turbulence in the neutral atmospheric boundary layer becomes stronger from one-diameter (1D) front of the rotor plane to 1D back of it. The coherent structure of the turbulence in inflow is affected by the rotation of the rotor. Subsequently, strong small-scale turbulence structures appear in the rotor plane, which are continuously dissipated in the wind direction. The turbulent energy with small scales at 1D back of rotor is feeble, and the turbulence mainly moves on a large scale. The frequency of the small-scale turbulence is approximately 1.82 Hz at the tip, which corresponds to the passing frequency of the blade and is mainly generated because of the rotation of the rotor. The flapwise load of the blade root is high when the turbulent energy is high. The results of wavelet analysis denote that the turbulence structure at the monitoring points has a good relation with the flapwise load of the blade root, and the flapwise load of the blade root of the wind turbine has obvious response to the turbulent structure of the atmosphere. A multi-resolution analysis of two points at the center and tip of the rotor and the flapwise load of the blade root denotes that the low-frequency turbulent structure at the center of the rotor (B3-B6 frequency band) is dependent on the low-frequency flapwise load of the blade root, whereas the high-frequency turbulent structure (B1-B2 frequency band) has no obvious corresponding relation with the flapwise load of the blade root. The high-frequency turbulent structure at the tip (B1-B2 frequency band) is related to the high-frequency flapwise load of the blade root, whereas the low-frequency turbulent structure (B3-B6 frequency band) has no obvious corresponding relation with the flapwise load of the blade root. Therefore, the low-frequency turbulence structure significantly influences the low-frequency band of the flapwise load of the blade root, whereas the high-frequency turbulence structure significantly influences the high-frequency band of the flapwise load of the blade root. When compared with the high-frequency turbulent structure at the blade root, the highfrequency turbulent structure has a higher frequency and a higher energy at the blade tip, and its influence on the highfrequency band of the flapwise load of the blade root is more obvious, exhibiting a consistent regular periodic variation.
来源 科学通报 ,2019,64(17):1832-1843 【核心库】
DOI 10.1360/N972019-00213
关键词 中性大气边界层 ; 叶根载荷 ; 大涡模拟 ; 致动线模型 ; 相关性 ; 频谱分析

1. 兰州理工大学能源与动力工程学院, 兰州, 730050  

2. 甘肃省风力机工程技术研究中心, 甘肃省风力机工程技术研究中心, 兰州, 730050  

3. 甘肃省流体机械及系统重点实验室, 甘肃省流体机械及系统重点实验室, 兰州, 730050  

4. 上海交通大学船舶与海洋工程学院, 上海, 200240  

5. 中国科学院力学研究所, 北京, 100080

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 0023-074X
学科 电子技术、通信技术
基金 国家973计划 ;  国家自然科学基金
文献收藏号 CSCD:6511639

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引证文献 2

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