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Advance in boronate affinity-based controllable oriented surface imprinting


王双寿 1 *   卢小媚 2   程婕 1   葛琼琼 1  
文摘 分子印迹是一项模拟靶向生物分子特异性识别能力的仿生分子识别技术,因其识别选择性好、制备简单、价格低廉等优势而被广泛应用.发展至今,已有多种先进的印迹方法被报道,包括表面印迹、表位印迹、乳液印迹等,克服了传统本体印迹方法中存在的许多问题,也使分子印迹技术在许多应用领域成为理想的抗体替代品.由于糖抗体极为稀缺,因此发展出针对糖类化合物的分子印迹技术显得尤为重要,而硼亲和可控定向表面分子印迹技术的提出为解决该问题提供了极有力的技术支持.该技术是一项可控、通用、高效的分子印迹技术,几乎适用于各种类型的基质材料和所有糖类化合物的印迹.它的提出不仅进一步丰富了分子印迹技术的应用范围,更是从方法学上将分子印迹技术推向了一个新的高度,因此具有重要的现实与科学意义.本文介绍了硼亲和可控定向表面分子印迹技术的主要制备方法、原理、应用及其最新研究进展,提出了该技术目前存在的若干问题并展望其未来可能的发展方向.
其他语种文摘 Biomolecules,like antibody,aptamer and lectin,are still the main force for applications involved in selective separation and recognition.However,these biomolecules are usually suffered from many inevitable problems,such as hard to prepare,high cost,poor stability,as well as limited quantities.Molecular imprinting technique (MIT) as a robust biomimetic molecular recognition strategy to mimic the targeting ability of antibody and enzyme plays a significant role in many areas,including chemical separation,biosensing,catalysis,disease diagnosis,etc.Scientists have pay a lot of attention to developing advanced imprinting approaches to enable MIT adapt many more possible applications.Several user-friendly molecular imprinting methods,such as surface imprinting,epitope imprinting and emulsion imprinting,are hence developed to meet the high analytical requirements.Even so,facile MITs with wide-range versatility and high imprinting efficiency are extremely limited,which restrict the applicability of MIT.Boronate affinity-based controllable oriented surface imprinting (BACOSI) allows for easy and efficient preparation of molecularly imprinted polymers specific to saccharide compounds,which covering glycoproteins,glycopeptides,glycans and monosaccharides.In this paper,the principle,preparation process,applications and recent developments of BACOSI are briefly introduced.Three steps,namely template immobilization,oriented imprinting and template removal,are included in this approach.Template molecules (glycoprotein,glycopeptide,glycan or monosaccharide) immobilized on the surface of boronic-acid-functionalized substrate by virtue of boronate affinity interaction,followed by controllable selfpolymerization of biocompatible monomer(s) to form an imprinting layer on the template-anchored substrate with tailored thickness in terms of molecule size of templates,and then the templates are effectively removed under suitable conditions(weak acidic solutions with or without surfactant are often utilized for templates removal).Imprinting in this approach is performed in a precise-controllable manner permitting the thickness of the imprinting layer to be fine-tuned via adjusting the imprinting time.This manner not only simplifies the imprinting procedure but also makes the approach widely applicable to a large range of sugar-containing biomolecules.Most of all,it can provide a guidance for design and preparation of other biomimetic molecular recognition materials,and a new level in methodology of MIT has been promoted by the presentation of this approach.In addition,some issues and future prospects of BACOSI are also presented in this paper based on our previous researches.From the viewpoint of preparation mechanism,template anchoring of BACOSI highly relies on the boronate affinity effect between boronic acid and cis-diol groups,thus it does not work for non-cis-diol-containing compounds.Exploiting some other means for template immobilization or template-anchoring-free imprinting modes is benefit for extending the application scope of BACOSI.Likewise,ideal biocompatibility and the ability of targeting are also significant for biological applications,for instance,cell imaging,clinical diagnosis and therapy.(Nevertheless,available aqueous phase polymerization for BACOSI is very limited,and its non-specific effect is also cannot be ignored when used for clinical analysis.The further study and exploration of imprinting system with negligible non-specific effect and suitable for the biomedical analysis is the key to form practical imprinting technology).In summary,BACOSI strategy just opens the pathway for the research and application based on facile and versatile imprinting technique in the future,there is still a long distance from being ready for use on industrial production and commercialization.
来源 科学通报 ,2019,64(13):1340-1351 【核心库】
DOI 10.1360/N972018-01009
关键词 硼亲和 ; 分子印迹 ; 仿生分子识别 ; 细胞成像 ; 糖蛋白 ; 癌症

1. 安徽工业大学化学与化工学院, 马鞍山, 243032  

2. 南京医科大学附属明基医院,南京明基医院心血管内科, 南京, 210019

语种 中文
文献类型 综述型
ISSN 0023-074X
学科 化学
基金 安徽工业大学人才项目 ;  安徽工业大学校青年基金 ;  南京大学生命分析化学国家重点实验室开放研究基金
文献收藏号 CSCD:6511595

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